Realize Divorce and Reasons 婚姻终止的概念及离婚类别
1 婚姻终止的概念和原因Divorce (or the dissolution of marriage) is the final termination of a marital union, canceling the legal duties and responsibilities of marriage and dissolving the bonds of matrimony between the parties. In most countries divorce requires the sanction of a court or other authority in a legal process. The legal process for divorce may also involve issues of spousal support, child custody, child support, distribution of property and division of debt.
In most Western countries, a divorce does not declare a marriage null and void, as in an annulment, but it does cancel the married status of the parties. Where monogamy is law, this allows each former partner to marry another. Where polygyny is legal, divorce allows the woman to marry another. Divorce laws vary considerably around the world. Divorce is not permitted in some countries, such as in Malta and in the Philippines, though an annulment is permitted. A referendum will be held in Malta 28th May 2011 to determine if the public wishes to make divorce legal. From 1971 to 1996, four European countries legalized divorce: Spain, Italy, Portugal and the Republic of Ireland.
An annual study in the UK by management consultants Grant Thornton, estimates the main proximal causes of divorce based on surveys of matrimonial lawyers.
The main causes in 2004 were:
Adultery; Extramarital sex; Infidelity-27%
Domestic violence-17%
Midlife crisis-13%
Addictions, e.g. alcoholism and gambling-6%
2 离婚分类的表达方式
(1)No-fault divorce 无过错离婚
Under a no-fault divorce system, divorce requires no allegation or proof of fault of either party. The barest of assertions suffice.
(2)At-fault divorce 有过错离婚
Prior to the late 1960s, nearly all countries which permitted divorce also required proof by one party that the other party had committed an act incompatible to the marriage. Most jurisdictions around the world still require such proof of fault.
(3)Mediated divorce 调解离婚
Divorce mediation is an alternative to traditional divorce litigation.
(4)Collaborative divorce 合作离婚
Collaborative divorce is a method for divorcing couples to come to agreement on divorce issues. In a collaborative divorce, the parties negotiate an agreed resolution with the assistance of attorneys who are trained in the collaborative divorce process and in mediation, and often with the assistance of a neutral financial specialist and/or divorce coach(es).
(5)Uncontested divorce 协议离婚
It is estimated that upwards of 95% of divorces in the U.S. are"uncontested", because the two parties are able to come to an agreement(either with or without lawyers/mediators/collaborative counsel) about the property, children, and support issues. It is estimated that upwards of 95% of divorces in the U.S. are "uncontested", because the two parties are able to come to an agreement (either with or without lawyers/mediators/ collaborative counsel) about the property, children, and support issues.
绝大多数离婚者离婚后,心情总是很沮丧,情绪低沉、伤感,这无关性别,他们表现出愤恨、不满、自卑、看破红尘等各种各样的消极心理。同时,面对周围人的非议和白眼,他们会感到孤独、无奈和愤愤不平。 对于心思细密、敏感多虑的女性来说,这种挫败感给心理健康造成的伤害更甚。这时候的心理调试非常重要,常有的调试方法有:移情方法,改变环境,感情支撑和心理咨询。
According to a new study, divorce is catching.
The researchers have called it "divorce clustering" and say that a split up between immediate friends increases your own chances of getting divorced by 75%.
The effect drops to 33% if the divorce is between friends of a friend, what the researchers call two degrees of separation, and then disappears almost completely at three degrees of separation.
It is not only the marital status of friends but also siblings and colleagues which has a significant effect on how long your own marriage might last.
Breaking up will catch on among your friends, and the more divorces you know, the higher your own chances of becoming one.
Divorce, inheritance and business nous has helped a growing number of women to become millionaires, who have increased at five times the rate of wealthy men.
Wealth used to be a man's world, but the gap between the sexes is narrowing when it comes to money, a new report shows.
Female millionaires has been rising on the back of social trends-such as inheritance and the rapidly climbing divorce rate-and they now make up nearly half of all millionaires in the UK.
According to the Time of September 19, WedLock, as it's coyly named, is a new type of casualty insurance that gives the unhappily married policyholder a payout after he or she is unhitched.
The global trend toward higher divorce rates has created more households with fewer people, scientists at Michigan State University reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Italy is holding its first divorce fair, offering services such as life coaching and beauty advice to a booming number of separating couples in the Catholic country.
Even in regions with declining population, we see substantial increase in the number of households. Divorce is the main reason for reducing the number of people in a household.
Researchers found that marriage breakdown can take a significant toll on appearance.
They looked at identical twins, who would be genetically predisposed to age at a similar pace, to determine whether certain experiences affected ageing.
The results showed that the twin who had gone through a divorce appeared two years older than the one who was married, single or had been widowed.
India's minority Muslim population is governed by Islamic personal laws on issues such as marriage, divorce and property inheritance.
In a British study of married men and women, the majority of wives-59 per cent-said they would divorce immediately if their future economic security was assured.
It's so easy for married couples to get stuck in a rut once the realities of paying the bills and getting the children's breakfast sets in.
Relationships inevitably change over time. Divorce impacts on every single area of a person's life. Dividing up the family home, pets and everything they own is just part of the process.
Let's Talk!
Cathy: How about your son after your divorce?
Daisy: Last month, when he knew that we were going to divorce, he said that it was the best decision.
Cathy: Oh, your son is really different.
Daisy: I think so. He is old enough to accept the change of our family.
Cathy: Isn't that cute? Where did you buy that cake?
Daisy: Trust me! You will if you dumped a terrible man. It's a divorce cake for God's sake.
Cathy: Really? I only heard about wedding cakes.
凯西:真的? 我只听说过结婚蛋糕。
Daisy: So there should be divorce cakes. People tend to celebrate weddings. I think it's time for giving best wishes for divorcing.
Cathy: You just stole my words. People can mark it in a big and tasty way.
Daisy: Why not? Being single again means I am available for another better relationship.
黛西:为什么不呢? 恢复单身意味着我又可以来一段更好的恋情了。
Cathy: Are you still disturbing yourself about Jake?
Daisy: No. I am over him. He doesn't even deserve a divorce cake. I would make a dumping husband cake by myself. I can't kill him in life. But I can make him the ugliest on the cake.
黛西:不。我们已经结束了。他根本不配离婚蛋糕。我会自己做一个 "甩夫" 蛋糕。我不能在现实生活中杀了他,但是我可以把蛋糕上的他做得很丑。
Cathy: You are evil! You know what? You do have a talent. We should start a special bakery for heartbroken people.
凯西:你真的很坏! 知道吗?你真的很有天赋啊。我们应该为那些心碎的人开一个特别的烘焙店。
Daisy: Good idea. I prefer greenback to men now.