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     Realize the Increasingly Wide Generation Gap 认识日益扩大的代沟

         1 日益扩大的代沟
         The generational gap is and was a term popularized in Western countries during the 1960s referring to differences between people of a younger generation and their elders, especially between a child and their parent's generation.
         Although some generational differences have existed throughout history, because of more rapid cultural change during the modern era differences between the two generations increased in comparison to previous times, particularly with respect to such matters as musical tastes, fashion, culture and politics. This may have been magnified by the unprecedented size of the young generation during the 1960s, which gave it unprecedented power and willingness to rebel against societal norms.
         The 1970s and 1980s are characterized as being an era rampant with child neglect, as shown by such phenomenon as latchkey kids. This period lies between the family-oriented 1950s and 1960s and the "Baby on Board" parenting-focused era of the late 1980s to the present.
         In the 1990s and 2000s, cultural differences concerning what should be the sexual norm, as well as new technology, political differences, workplace behavior, age of consent, age of responsibility, the education system, and many other political, cultural, and generational issues, has produced a generation gap between Generation X and Y and their Baby Boomer parents. However, many Baby Boomers grew up during the late 1960s, and can relate to their young offspring better than their parents related to them and are more willing to tackle subjects such as drugs and sex with their children. Nevertheless, the portrayal of teenagers in popular reality television channels, like MTV, has caused concern for parents and a sense of alienation amongst teens and young adults of today.
         2 不同年代人的表达方式
         (1)The Four Books 四书
         Generation X: The 1980s (X代人)
         The 1970s and 1980s are characterized as being an era rampant with child neglect, as shown by such phenomenon as latchkey kids. This period lies between the family-oriented 1950s and 1960s and the "Baby on Board" parenting-focused era of the late 1980s to the present.
         The 1990s and 2000s: Boomers vs. Generation X and Y ("婴儿潮代"和X代人和Y代人)
         In the 1990s and 2000s, cultural differences concerning what should be the sexual norm, as well as new technology, political differences, workplace behavior, age of consent, age of responsibility, the education system, and many other political, cultural, and generational issues, has produced a generation gap between Generation X and Y and their Baby Boomer parents. However, many Baby Boomers grew up during the late
         1960s, and can relate to their young offspring better than their parents related to them and are more willing to tackle subjects such as drugs and sex with their children. Nevertheless, the portrayal of teenagers in popular reality television channels, like MTV, has caused concern for parents and a sense of alienation amongst teens and young adults of today.


         Nowadays, many young people are complaining that their parents can not understand them very well. They say that their parents take care of every aspect of their lives, leaving them unable to have their private space.
         Yet, parents are worried that their children don't show any respect to them and never give them any trust.
         Consequently, the household phrases spreading.
         I think we should first admit that there are indeed some differences between parents and children. Then, we should try to take some time to communicate with each other frequently.
         Only by their joint efforts can the parents and children bridge the generation gap between them.
         Workers aren't bridging the generation gap because 20-something employees rarely chat to those in their 50s and 60s, according to a new survey.
         The lack of communication could create a shortage of US skilled labor because retiring baby boomers aren't passing on their knowledge and experience.
         The different generations of employees do not have the same expectations of work and values of employment, which is a difficult gap to bridge.
         We often hear about the "generation gap" that occurs between parents and children when it comes to music, morals, fashion and a host of other things.
         Now there is a generation lap, the tendency for young people to be increasingly more technically savvy than their parents or elders.
         This gap exists in the use of technology where the young generation has become the authority, effectively flipping the typical parental and professional hierarchy on its head in many respects.
         They're not just ahead of their parents in the way they use technology, they've lapped their parents and are working at a whole new level.
         That's why there is an unbelievable example from Finland where the government has hand-selected 5000 Net Generations to train the country's teachers how to use computers. The students are the teachers and the teachers will be the students.
         There are so many differences between generations because each has a different deposit of culture and experiences.
         To some extent generation gap has become a social problem.
         Yet we find it absolutely difficult to solve because there's no way to smooth away these differences.
         Many people think that generation gap is a modern phrase.
         But the great philosopher Socrates three thousand years ago already gave his description of the young in his society. He said, "They have no manners at all. They despise on the authority, con-tradict their parents and beat their teachers. They devour the food ravenously and talk on and on leaving no chance for the other to speak. "
         Thus it can be seen that the generation gap has a much longer history than we thought.
         Generation gap doesn't come from differences between generations, but results from lack of understanding between them, and mutual understanding depends on how well two generations communicate.
         Generation gap can be bridged as long as both parents and children are willing to make efforts.
         With the change of the world over decades, the attitude of the young has altered too.

    Let's Talk!

         Linda: Bella, is there generation gap between you and your parents?
         Bella: Yes, of course.
         Linda: How to bridge the generation?
         Bella: I'm afraid that's not an easy thing to explain.
         Linda: Of course, this is a big problem.
         Bella: What do you think of the reason why generation gap appears?
         Linda: First, the young and their parents often fail to talk with each other. Even sometimes they hear each other, but they do not put them in heart. By doing this, they send false message to each other .As the result, their two different worlds meet head on and
         Bella: Oh, I see. How to bridge the generation?
         Linda: For the parents, they should treat their children as free men not children. After all, they are young and they have their own ideas. Whether they are wrong or not, parents should expect their children's ideas .If they are truly wrong, parents should have
         Bella: That's right .I agree with you.
         Linda: It is really a big question. But I think it can be solved.
         Bella: Yeah, it will be easy to tackle if the children can understand their parents' concern about them.
         Linda: When they are grown up, they will.
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