打电话,不是call the phone
1 我在报纸上看到这则新闻。
(×)I saw it on the newspaper.
(○ )I read it in the newspaper.
在报纸上读到某则新闻用read,不用saw。还有,为什么是in the newspaper,不是用on呢?因为on是表面,in是里面,你读新闻当然是读内容、内涵,所以是用in。
2 她晚婚。
(×)She married old.
(○ )She married late in life .
年纪大了才结婚,我们会用late in life,而不用old这样带有主观意见的字眼。
3 别把办公室弄得乱七八糟。
(×)Don't make the office out of order.
(○ )Don't leave the office in a mess .
out of order是指东西坏了,不能用于搞得乱七八糟这样的状况,要用leave… in a mess才正确。
4 我打了很多电话。
(×)I call a lot of phones.
(○ )I make a lot of phone calls .
打电话要用make phone calls,但有些人会直接用I call the phone,直译就是打电话给电话,这样语意不通。
5 日本的首都在哪儿?
(×)Where is the capital of Japan?
(○ )What is the capital of Japan?
6 车上还有位子吗?
(×)Is there any place for me in the car?
(○ )Is there any room for me in the car?
room和place都有空间的意思。room有两层含义:一是“房间”,很具体;二是“空间”或“余地”,比较抽象。可构成make room for,意思是“给……让出地方”。place是指“场所”或“位置”,是可数名词,常用的词组有take one's place(就座、入席);in place是指在适当的位置。
7 一起玩吧!
(×)Let's play together.
(○ )Why don't you come over ?
中文常会说“一起玩吧”,但英文却不是这样的表达方式,play多半用在小孩身上;外国人惯用Why don't you come over,邀请别人一道来。至于和朋友玩在一块儿,我们则应用hang out。