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    Yellow-Crane Tower


    Ladies and gentlemen,

    We'll now begin our tour of the Yellow-Crane Tower.

    Hubei Province's Yellow-Crane Tower of Wuhan is one of the three most famous towers in southern China. Along with Dongting Lake's Yueyang Tower

    the Yellow Crane to come down. After that, he sat on the Yellow Crane and flew away on it. To commemorate the old man and his yellow crane, Xin built a high tower on the inn and named it the Yellow-Crane Tower. This story about the immortal person, Shen Xian., has spread widely across China for thousands of years and is a very influential legend explaining the origins of the Yellow Crane Tower. Another similar legend is that a person called Fei Wei successfully attained immortality on the Yellow Crane Hill and, like Shen Xian, used the crane to go to heaven. Later to commemorate Fei Wei, people constructed Yellow-Crane Tower on top of the Yellow Crane Hill.

    But modern research tells a different story regarding the origins of Yellow-Crane Tower's name. This explanation points to the place the Tower was built on top of, namely Yellow-Crane Hill. So, it is named Yellow-Crane Tower.

    My dear friends, we have arrived at Yellow-Crane Tower. In fact, Yellow- crane Tower we see now is rebuilt after the founding of New China. Due to wars and other events, Yellow-Crane Tower has been repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt. The last Qing tower was built in 7th year of the Qing Tongzhi Emperor's reign (1868) and then was destroyed again during the 10th year of Emperor Guangxu's reign (1884). Nearly a century passed before further rebuilding work was done on the Tower. The latest reconstruction of the tower began in October of 1981 and was finished in June of 1985. The main building took the Qing Dynasty tower as its blueprint, but the use of modern technology and construction techniques has given the Yellow-Crane Tower a more unique shape and enhanced its ancient magnificence.

    The original ancient Yellow-crane Tower was three-storey structures and 33 meters high, which in traditional Chinese measure system was 9 zhang and 2 chi high, plus a 7-chi copper roof, thus there were 2 nines(The number“9" was an auspicious one in traditional Chinese).We are now viewing the new 5 storey Yellow-Crane Tower and its gourd shaped roof. The roof is 5 meters high and the entire tower is altogether 51.4 meters high, making it nearly 20 meters higher than the old Yellow Crane Tower. The base of the new Tower is also twice as wide-30 meters vs. 15 meters-as that of the old Tower. Thus the Yellow Crane Tower has been reconstructed, rather than restored. While some features of the old design have been preserved, it has been rebuilt to better fit people's needs and modem aesthetic perspectives.

    It was also necessary to move the Yellow-Crane Tower during its reconstruction to make way for new Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge. Fortunately, the structure has been made even more majestic than the former tower. The present Yellow-Crane Tower consists of main buildings, matched pavilions, corridors and memorial archways, all spreading over a three story terrace along a terrace along a central axis that becomes higher and higher. The west entrance of the Yellow-Crane Tower Park is located on the first terrace. The second terrace has a memorial archway flanked by pavilions and a bending corridor. The newly built Yellow-Crane Tower stands on the third and central terrace.

    We can see the new complex is an attractive mix of different and unique architectural styles. This is particularly true of the Yellow-Crane Tower, which consists of several different layers. The bottom layer is a tall spacious hall, whose kelp well is as high as 10 meters. On frontispiece wall there are huge ceramic murals named " Cloud Yellow cranes’. There are seven meter long poetic couplets along both sides of the columns. On the marble wall of the hall on the second floor is engraved in the Yan Bojin’s " YelLow-Crane Tower" , recording the tower's history and all of the major figures who visited here and drew inspiration from this place. There are two murals of both sides of these inscriptions. One mural is of the “Sun Quan Fortification” and concretely illustrates the Tower's original purpose and its first setting, Wuchang City. The other mural depicts “Zhou Yu’s Banquet", which celebrates the famous historical figures who visited the Tower and their activities in it during the Three Kingdom's period. The murals in the hall of third floor are “Embroidered portrait Painting” of Tang and Song Dynasty poets such as Cui Hao, Li Bai and Bai Juyi and also famous lines from the celebrated poems they wrote in The Yellow-crane Tower. The fourth floor's hall is divided into several rooms by screens, displaying the photos of many contemporary famous Chinese people for visitors to enjoy and purchase. The top hall has scrolls and wall paintings, such as the “Yangtze Wanli Map”.

    Well, you can visit freely. Two hours later we will gather here. I hope all of you have a good time.

    My friends, our journey is about to end. And I should say goodbye to you all . Anyway I am very glad to have spent such a happy and unforgettable day with you. Thank you very much for your support and cooperation. I hope today’s visit will leave you with many pleasant memories. Thank you.



    黄鹤楼因濒临万里长江,雄踞蛇山(又称“黄鹄山”)之巅,挺拔独秀,辉煌瑰丽而成为名传四海的游览胜地。历代名士如白居易,贾岛,陆游,杨慎 ,张居正等,都先后到这里游乐,吟诗作赋。尤其是崔颢的《黄鹤楼》诗,一直被认为是千古佳作,很多人都能背诵。因这首诗,使很多人产生了对黄鹤楼的向往。1 927年2月,毛泽东考察完湖南农民运动后来到武昌,曾在此写下了著名的《菩萨蛮·登黄鹤楼》。


    很久以前,有位姓辛的人在黄鹄山头卖酒度日。有一天,有位衣衫破烂的老道蹒跚而来,向他讨酒喝。辛氏看见老道很可怜,就慷慨地答应了。这样的情况持续了一年。有一天,老道又来到酒店,辛氏一见,急忙准备酒菜款待老道,老道拦住说:今天我不喝酒,我是来向你告别的。并在客栈的的墙壁上画了一只黄鹤。老道对辛氏说:只要你拍手相招,黄鹤便会下来,为酒客跳舞助兴。第二天酒店来了客人,他想起了老道的话,拍手一试,黄鹤竟然真的一跃而下,引颈高鸣,翩翩起舞,舞毕又跳回到墙上。客人看了非常惊讶。消息传开后,吸引了武汉三镇的老百姓和远近的游人,都来店中看黄鹤起舞。从此酒店生意兴隆。辛氏因此而发了财。 十年后的一天,老道又出现在酒店,辛氏想感谢老道。老道拒绝了,用铁笛吹了一首曲子,引下黄鹤,跨上黄鹤飞走了。辛氏为了纪念老道和他的黄鹤,在酒店旁盖起了一座高楼,起名黄鹤楼。千百年来,这个故事在我国广为传播,成为黄鹤楼因仙得名最有影响的传说。另一个传说是有一位名叫费伟的人,在黄鹤山中修炼成仙,然后乘黄鹤升天。后来人们为怀念费伟,便在这黄鹤山上建造了一座黄鹤楼。

    但是经过考证,黄鹤楼因山得名的真实性是最大的。But 黄鹤楼建在黄鹄山山顶。古汉语中,鹄和鹤两个字是通用的,所以又叫黄鹤山,黄鹤出上的楼阁,当然就取名为黄鹤楼。



    古黄鹤楼高三层,高9丈2尺,加铜顶7尺,共成九九之数(总高约合33米)o我们现在所看到的是新建的黄鹤楼,高5层,加5米高的葫芦形宝顶,共高51.4米,比古楼高出将近20米。古楼底层各宽1 5米,而新楼底层则是各宽30米。因此,黄鹤楼不是修复,而是重建。它保留了古楼的某些特色,但更多的是根据现在的需要和人们审美观点的变化来设计的。重建的黄鹤楼因为修建武汉长江大桥所以离开了故址,气势上更胜于旧楼。黄鹤楼建筑群由主楼,配亭,轩廊牌坊等组成,分布在三层平台上,沿中心轴线逐层升高。第一层平台是黄鹤楼公园的西大门。第二层平台上有牌坊,两侧是曲廊和南北配亭。第三层平台的中央耸立着黄鹤楼。

    我们可以看到整个建筑具有独特的民族风格。尤其是黄鹤楼内部,层层风格不相同。底层为一高大宽敞的大厅,其正中藻井高达1 0多米,正面壁上为一幅巨大的白云黄鹤陶瓷壁画,两旁立柱上悬挂着长达7迷的楹联,爽气西来,云雾扫开天地撼,大江东去,波涛洗净古今愁。二楼大厅正面墙上,有用大理石镌刻的唐凯撰写的黄鹤楼记,它记述了黄鹤楼改革和名人轶事。楼旁两侧为两幅壁画,一幅是孙权筑城市,形象的说明黄鹤楼和武昌城相继诞生的历史,另一幅是周瑜设宴,反映三国名人去黄鹤楼的活动。三楼大厅里的壁画为唐宋名人的绣像画,如李白,白居易等,也摘录了他们吟咏黄鹤楼的名句。四楼大厅用屏风分割几个小厅,内置当代名人字画,供游客欣赏,选购,顶层大厅有《长江万里图》等长卷、壁画。



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