Welcome to the Former Residence of Mao Zedong. Shaoshan is the birthplace of the Late Chairman Mao. The quaint farmhouse you see now is locally known as the Upper Cottage. It was here on December 26, 1893, that comrade Mao Zedong, the great leader of the Chinese people, was born. As early as March, 1963, the State Council pronounced this place to be one of the early Chinese Revolutionary History’s National Heritage site. For its cultural and natural sights, Shaoshan has since been a major tourist destination. It is estimated that nearly 40 million tourists, Chinese and foreign, have visited comrade Mao Zedong’s former residence since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Among the distinguished guests are over 100 Chinese party leaders or state leaders, 14 foreign heads of state, 30 foreign governmental leaders, and visitors from over 150 countries.
The farmhouse stands in front of two water ponds: Lotus Pond and Southern Bank Pond. In his lifetime, comrade Mao Zedong was mad about swimming. He used to swim a lot in Southern Bank Pond in his boyhood. In November of 1963, Guo Moruo, on his visit to Shaoshan, pointed to the pond, and emotionally declared, “Mao Zedong swam in a water pond in his boyhood and did so in the Yangtze River in his old age.”
With a northern exposure, Comrade Mao Zedong’s boyhood home is typical Southern Chinese mud brick farmhouse. Down in a hollow, it is situated at the foot of a green hill and beside a clear stream. To borrow a locally used term, it is shaped like “a load of firewood”. In the old days, the farmhouse was shared by two families.The Maos lived on the eastern end of 13 blue-tile rooms and their neighbor on the western end of 4 thatched rooms.The entrance hall was shared by two families.
The present building is modeled after its prototype of 1918, showing the Maos in the prime of economic life, in possession of 1 3 tiled rooms, a half of the entrance hall and about 1.47 hectares of farmland.Mao Zedong didn’t commit himself to inheriting his family property.He left Shaoshan and walked onto the stage of Chinese politics instead. Mao Zedong, a son of a peasant’s family, became a great revolutionary, strategist and theorist of the proletariat.
A horizontal board of rosewood with comrade Deng Xiaoping’s inscription in golden characters“Comrade Mao Zedong’s Former Residence,”which personally written by him on April 2, 1983, hangs from the front entrance’s lintel.
Entrance Hall
Please step into the entrance hall. As mentioned earlier, this is the entrance hall that was shared by the two families.In Southern China,the entrance hall also serves as a banquet hall for entertaining guests on festive occasions. The square table and benches are originals.This is a shrine for worshipping Buddha or ancestors.
A small door at the back of the hall leads to a back room.This big pot was used for cooking pig fodder.The basin on the right was used for taking a bath or washing cloths.Mao Zedong used to help his parents with housework,carrying water with buckets for example.This big bucket is an original. This skylight, common in south China, is used for ventilation and lighting.
This is a hearth.In wintertime,southern farmers warm themselves around the hearth with firewood burning inside.Dangling over it is a hook, on which a kettle is hung for boiling water; there were no thermos bottles in the farmhouse at the time. A guest was served a cup of boiled water poured from the kettle.A cooking pot could be suspended from the hook for cooking food so the whole families were sitting around the hearth, chatting over a meal.What a cozy home! Mao returned home in the Spring of 1921, when he was busy preparing the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party.Both his parents had died.His mother’s birthday fell on February 15th.That evening, he asked his brothers, sister-in-laws and sisters to sit around the hearth for a family chat.His younger brother Mao Zeming told him about disasters the family had suffered over years.“That’s true,”Mao Zedong said,“The suffering not only affects our family but the most other Chinese families as well.A single family cannot expect to live an easy life in a time of nationwide chaos.So we should sacrifice a smaller family to serve a bigger family in the interests of general public.” Under Mao Zedong's cheering guidance, his family members left Shaoshan one after the other to embark on a revolutionary road.In the protracted revolutionary struggle, he would ask his family members to work in the hardest places or to fight in the most dangerous places.His six family members laid down their lives for the revolutionary cause successively.His family clearly is an illustrious revolutionary family.You may get detailed information about this in a special section of the Exhibition Hall of Comrade Mao Zedong.
Bedroom of Mao Zedong’s Parents
This is the bedroom of Mao Zedong’s parents.Comrade Mao Zedong was born in this room on December 26,1893.This is the late parents’ portrait.Mao Shunsheng (Mao Zedong’s father),
was an industrial, thrifty, intelligent and capable peasant.He died at the age of 50 in 1920 from acute typhoid fever.Thanks to his father’s savings, Mao Zedong had a chance to further his studies outside Shaoshan in his early life.Mao Zedong’s mother, born in 1867, was a peasant woman, hardworking, kind-hearted, clever and virtuous. She was gentle and loving and often helped out her neighbors.The fine qualities of the working people his parents maintained exerted a great influence on his formative years.
Gazing at the portrait of his mother in 1959, Mao Zedong said,“I bear a close resemblance to my mother.” After a long gaze, he continued, “If only it had been today.She would not have died if it had been today.” The timeworn wooden bed you are looking at is an original.
Mao Zedong’s Bedroom
This is Mao Zedong’s bedroom.The picture hanging on the wall is a group photo of Mao Zedong, his mother and his two younger brothers, taken in Changsha in the spring of 1919.At the time Mao Zedong worked in Changsha and his second younger brother Mao Zetan studied there.And his first younger brother Mao Zeming took his mother, who was terminally ill, to Changsha for medical treatment.That’s why the family of four had a chance to have their group photo taken, which is the only such photo that exists of the family.His mother passed away in October of that year.This valuable photo had been left in the care of Mao Zedong’s grandmother, and we are fortunate that this early record of Mao and his family survived.
This is the place where Mao Zedong read and studied.It is by this oil lamp that Mao Zedong read his books at night.He was bright and talented and was an avid reader.His room was infested with mosquitoes on summer nights.He would lie in bed and poke his head out of a closed mosquito net, reading by an oil lamp on a bedside bench. On winter nights he would lie beneath a quilt and read late into the night.Aged 13 to 15, he had to quit school to help his parents with farm work.Even during this period, he devoted his spare time to studies.
Mao Zetan’s Bedroom
This is the bedroom of Mao Zedong’s second younger brother Mao Zetan.Mao Zetan was born in 1905.He followed his elder brother to Changsha for schooling at the age of 13.In 1923 he joined the Chinese Communist Party and participated in the party’s political and military activities for many years. After the main force of the Red Army went on the Long March in October, 1934, he remained in the Soviet Area of the CPC Central Committee of Jiangxi and carried out guerrilla warfare.He once served as commander of the Independent Division of the Red Army.He died a hero at the age of 29 in April,1935 in a battle east of Ruijin.Gazing at the portrait of Mao Zetan, Deng Xiaoping, on his trip to Mao Zedong’s birthplace in 1983, recalled the days when they stuck together in Jiangxi through thick and thin and heartily praised Mao Zetan,“He was indeed a good comrade.”
Mao zemin’s Bedroom
This is the bedroom of Mao Zemin.Born in1895, he was Mao Zedong’s first younger brother.When Mao Zedong returned to Shaoshan in spring, 1921, Mao Zemin had been married.He spent much time persuading his married brother and his family members to throw themselves into the revolution at the time.Mao Zedong pointed that one should think not only of his own family, but should think of the whole society and the suffering borne by the majority of people. Under his elder brother’s careful instruction, Mao Zemin resolutely gave up an easy life at home and went out in pursuit of the revolutionary cause.He joined the Chinese Communist Party in 1922 and worked in the financial and logistics departments of the party. In 1943, at the age of 43, he was killed by Sheng Shicai, a Xinjiang warlord.Hearing this on his 1991 Shaoshan visit, Jiang Zemin, the then party Secretary-general of CPC said affectionately,“Mao Zedong’s family is an outstanding one, making great contributions to the revolutionary cause.” Four more of Mao’s family members, besides Mao Zemin and Mao Zetan, all laid down their lives for the Chinese revolution.
1893年1 2月26日,中国人民的伟大领袖毛泽东同志就诞生在这里。早在1961年3月,国务院就将其列为全国重点文物保护单位,成为我国重要的革命纪念地之一。自新中国成立以来,毛泽东同志故居共接待中外客人近4000万,其中包括100多位我国党和国家的领导人、14位外国国家元首、30多位外国政府首脑以及150多个国家和地区的来宾。
这里是火堂。南方农家在冬天一般都架柴烧火取暖,这上面有个挂钩,俗称“炉膛钩",是用来挂壶烧水的。过去农家没有热水瓶,客人来了,马上打水烧起来。当然这里也可挂吊锅,用来煮饭,冬天全家围坐一团边吃边聊,那可是热气腾腾的呢!1921年春,毛泽东在筹建共产党的过程中回到韶山。当时他的父母已经去世。2月1 5日是毛泽东母亲的生日,那天晚上,他邀弟弟、弟妹及妹妹围炉烤火、拉家常。弟弟毛泽民一口气讲了这几年遭受到的灾难,毛泽东说,这些不只是我们一家发生的事,天下大多数人都这样,国乱民不得安生,所以我们要舍小家为大家,出去做一些有利于大多数人的