假设你参加面试的目的是把你自己卖出去(而不是去泡面试官),那这一分钟就是你的一个产品简介:姓名,型号(教育背景/工作风格),为什么要卖给面试官(为什么想做这个,为什么这家公司这个职位...), 以及功能(能做啥)。
Good morning, I am xxx; I graduated from BlueShit Institute of Technology with a MS in Excavating (亮出你出色的教育背景) ----10秒
From my education I obtained outstanding skills in Digging, xxx and xxx. During my internship at xxx Construction affiliated to the Blueshit, I utilized my xx skills to increase the digging efficiency by 40%.----20秒
The reason I applied for this Chef Position at New Oriental is that "A tailor can never be a good Mechanics if he has never desired to be a Chef". I would like to be a part of your company because (文化认同/职业发展....)---20秒
As a xxx (detailed-focused/result-oriented/self-motivated? teamplayer? 独当一面的挖掘能手?) I can be a great asset to your Group. xxx 10秒? 差不多了。
接下来的Q & A 也就是这些面试官考察、求证的过程了。你需要通过各种实例来支持你抛出来的简介。