Patient: I'm 65 yeares old.
N: What's troubling you?
P: I have had a bed cough and my heart is beating very fast. My blood pressure is highter.
N: Have you taken some mediceine the doctor gave you? Have you given up smoking and kept off any alcohol?
P: No, I have not by now.
N: Now you have suffered emphysema and your blood pressure and heart are abnomal. So from now on, you must stop smoking and keep off any alcohol till forever.
N: Now there is very strong evidence that smoking is a hazard to health. Smoking irritates the throat and respiratory passages. It is sometimes linked to loss of appetite, nausea, shortness of breath, and irregularity of the hearbeat. Buteven more important, smoking- - - particularly cigarette smoking - - - has been linked to chronic and often fatal diseases of the respiratory tract. Overw helmingstatistical evidence shows that smokers are more likely to develop cancer of the lung, throat, tongue, and jaw than are nonsmokers. They are also more likely to develop emphysema and bronchitis.
N: In addition, apart from the tobacco tar contained in tobacco tar contained in tobacco smoke, the effects of tobacco depend almost entirely upon its nicotine content. Smoking is very harmful to people, young or old especially to older people who suffered from emphysema or heart disease, and hypertension. In just three seconds a cigarette makes your heart beat faster, shoots your blood pressure up .
P: Oh, I see. Then, how to stay healthy for older people?
N: To a considerable extent, the individual is responsible for his own health. You must establish a definite pattern of healthy living if you are to maintain a sats factory level of wellbeing.
1.Exercise regularly such as doing shadow-boxing exercises, going for a walk in the morning.
2.Eat a diet that provides a proper balance of proteins ,,car bohy drates, fats, and a lot of vegetables and fruits which not only help to prevent constipation, but also give you the energy, vitamins and minerals that you need for daily activities.
3.Obtain sufficient sleep and rest. Individuals vary in their need for sleep, with most adults averaging about eight hours per night.
4.Schedule regular visits to your doctor.
5.Keep in true with your body. Familiarize yourself with the warning signs of illness and seek medical attention promptly if you should becmome ill.
6.Finally, most important of all, maintaining a healthy mental outlook is essential to health.
P: Well, thanks
护士:现在您患的是肺气肿病,此外血压和心脏也不正常,因此,从现在起您必须马上戒掉烟、酒, 以后再不能吸烟、喝酒。