对于医学生来说,进行医学英语学习是非常有必要的,因为在工作中会涉及到很多国内外的最新医学信息。下面是小编整理的生命体征vital signs的资料,希望对你有所帮助!
生命体征vital signs
Vital signs, or signs of life, include the following objective measures for a person: temperature, respiratory rate, heart beat (pulse), and blood pressure. When these values are not zero, they indicate that a person is alive. All of these vital signs can be observed, measured, and monitored. This will enable the assessment of the level at which an individual is functioning. Normal ranges of measurements of vital signs change with age and medical condition.
The purpose of recording vital signs is to establish a baseline on admission to a hospital, clinic, professional office, or other encounter with a health care provider. Vital signs may be recorded by a nurse, physician, physician's assistant, or other health care professional. The health care professional has the responsibility of interpreting data and identifying any abnormalities from a person's normal state, and of establishing if current treatment or medications are having the desired effect.
Vital signs are usually recorded from once hourly to four times hourly, as required by a person's condition.
The vital signs are recorded and compared with normal ranges for a person's age and medical condition. Based on these results, a decision is made regarding further actions to be taken.
All persons should be made comfortable and reassured that recording vital signs is normal part of health checks, and that it is necessary to ensure that the state of their health is being monitored correctly. Any abnormalities in vital signs should be reported to the health care professional in charge of care. form www.med66.com
As there may be no recorded knowledge of a person's previous vital signs for comparison, it is important that a health care professional be aware that there is a wide range of normal values that can apply to persons of different ages. The health care professional should obtain as detailed a medical history from the person as soon as possible. Any known medical or surgical history, prior measurements of vital signs, and details of current medications should be recorded, as well. Physical exertion prior to measurement of vital signs, such as climbing stairs, may affect the measurements. This should be avoided immediately before the measurement. Tobacco, caffeinated drinks, and alcohol should be avoided for 30 minutes prior to recording.
A person should be sitting down or lying comfortably to ensure that the readings are taken in a similar position each time. The equipment required include a watch with a second hand, an electronic or other form of thermometer, an electronic or manual sphygmomanometer with an appropriate sized cuff, and a stethoscope.