Patient: I have had some vaginal bleeding for 2 days, together with some pain in the lower abdomen.
Nurse: What was the amount of bleeding? When was your last period?
Patient:I missed 2 periods. The last one was on April 4.
Nurse: Is your menstruation regular?
Patient: It's normal now, but it used to be somewhat late before I was married.
Nurse: Can you give us some urine for a pregnancy test?
Patient: I'll try.
Nurse: The pregnancy test was positive. Where is the pain and what's it like?
Patient: The pain occurs in the central part of the lower abdomen. It comes in attacks positive with vaginal bleeding while the pain lasts.
Nurse: It seems that you are pregnant,with a threatening miscarriage. You should stay in bed except for eating or going to the toilet.
Patient: Shall I take some medicine?
Nurse: I'll give some medicine by injection or orally.
Patient: OK, I'll do as you said.
Nurse: You should go to the emergency clinic immediately whenever the bleeding becomes more severe than usual. Come back in a week for a check up.
(3 days later)
Nurse: How are you now?
Patient: Not so good. The bleeding is more severe than usual and the attacks of pain recur every 7 to 10 minutes.
Nurse: Let me take a look. Oh,the cervix is already open about 4cm,and part of the fetus can be seen in the cervix. The fetus will come out soon. I'll prepare the blood for you in case a blood transfusion is needed. You should be admitted to the hospital immediately.
单词 Words
abortion n. 堕胎
abdomen n. 下腹
menstruation n. 月经
normal adj. 正常
urine n. 尿
pregnancy n. 妊娠
positive adj 阳性
miscarriage n. 流产
injection n. 注射
orally adv. 口服
emergency n.急诊
severe n.严重
cervix n. 子宫颈口
fetus n. 胎儿
transfusion n. 输血
短语 Phrases
vaginal bleeding 阴道出血
together with 伴有
used to 过去,过去常常
a pregnancy test 妊娠检查
except for 除……以外
in case 万一
be admitted to 进入
句子 Sentence Patterns
I have had some vaginal bleeding for 2 days, together with some pain in the lower abdomen.我这两天阴道出血并、伴有下腹疼痛。
Can you give us some urine for a pregnancy test?
The pregnancy test was positive.妊娠检查呈阳性。
Where is the pain and what's it like?
You should stay in bed except for eating or going to the toilet.除了吃饭和上厕所,你应卧床休息。
I'll give some medicine by injection or orally.我给你开一些注射用药和口服药。
Come back in a week for a check up.一周后再来检查。
相关单词 Related Words
buttocks 臀部
hips 臀部
rectum 臀部
genitals 生殖器
penis 阴茎
scrotum 阴囊
testis 睾丸
pubes 阴毛
urethra 尿道
sperm 精液
vagina 阴道
womb 子宫
uterus 子宫
ovaries 卵巢
cell 细胞
embryo 胚胎
placenta 胎盘
menses 月经
menstruation 月经
periods 月经
相关短语 Related Phrases
genital organ 生殖器
the virile member 阴茎
seminal duct 输精管
spermatic duct 输精管
deferent duct 输精管
seminal vesicle 精囊
vaginal orifice 阴门
private parts 阴部
fallopian tube 输卵管
相关表达方式 Related Expressions
Is your period heavy or light?
It's always heavy.总是很多。
And how long does it last?
Eight or ten days. My face always goes very pale and I can't concentrate on work because of the pain.八到十天,月经一来,因为痛经,脸色总是苍白,无法专心工作。
I have very bad period pains evry month每次月经来,我都痛得要命。
For the last two or three weeks I've been getting real bad pains in one of my breasts.在过去的两三周里,我的一个乳房很痛。
There seems to be some sort of a lump.这儿看来有个硬块。
I'll give you some Chinese medicine to relieve your pain.我给你开些止痛的中药。
Don't eat very hot or cold food, and keep off stimulating foods such as sour or spicy food.不要吃很烫或很冷的食物,也不要吃酸的和辛辣的刺激性食物。