B:Xiao Ping, if I do decide to go ahead, how will the interest if I exceed be counted?
A:It is higher than the rate of interest for Current Deposits and a little lower than the rate for the 6-month time deposits.
B:So, if I do decide to go ahead,how can my company open a Corporate Agreement Savings Plan with you?
那么,如果我确实决定办理的话,我的公司如何在你们这儿开一个单 位协定存款账户呢?
A:First of all, you need to sign a Corporate Agreement Savings Contract with us. This means we can go ahead and open an account of agreement savings based on your settlement account.
首先,您需要与我们签订一份《单位协定存款合同》。这就是说我们可 以办理了,在您的结算账户之上开立协定存款账户。
B:OK, let's get the ball rolling on this.