常用财经词汇表:N, n
national income 国民收入
near money 近似货币;准货币
near monopoly 近乎专利;近乎垄断
negative factor 利淡因素;不利因素
negative growth 负增长
negative interest 负利息
negative interest rate 负利率
negotiating bank 议付银行
net 净额;净值;实额
net amount 净额
net estate 净遗产
net exchange loss 汇兑损失净额
net export of services 出口服务净额
net favourable balance 顺差净额
net flow of fund 资金流动净额
net indebtedness 净负债额
net inflow of fund 资金流入净额
net interest margin 净利率差距
net interest paid 实付利息
net proceeds 净收入
net profit 纯利
net profit after taxation 税后纯利
net sum 净款额
net supply 供应净额
net tangible assets 有形资产净值
net unfavourable balance 逆差净额net value 净值
net worth 净值;资产净值
net/gross ratio 净额/总额比率
night depository 夜库
nominee 代名人
nominee account 代名人户口
non-acceptance 不承兑
non-bank investor 非银行投资者
non-banking sector 银行以外的机构
non-certificated share 无证书股份
non-clearing member 非结算会员
non-payment 不缴付;不付款
non-performing assets 非营运资产
non-profit-making 非谋利
non-proportional treaty 非比例协约
notarial act of honour 公证承付
note 票据;纸币;钞票
note issuance facility 票据发行融通
note issue 纸币发行;发钞
Note Security Fund 纸币保证基金
note-issuing bank 发钞银行
notice of assessment 评税通知书
notice of demand 付款通知书
notice of dishonour 不兑现通知
notice of objection 反对通知书
notary 公证人
novation 约务更替;债务更替文件
nugatory expenditure 不必要开支
numbered ticket 号码彩票