Most people think of Beethoven’s hearing loss asan obstacle to composing music. However, he produced his most powerful works inthe last decade of his life when he was completely deaf.
This is one of the most glorious cases of thetriumph of will over adversity1, but his biographer, MaynardSolomon, takes a different view. ____1____. In his deaf world Beethoven couldexperiment, free from the sounds of the outside world, free to create new formsand harmonies.
Hearing loss does not seem to affect the musicalability of musicians who become deaf. They continue to “hear” music with asmuch, or greater, accuracy than if they were actually hearing it being played.
____2____. He described a fascinating phenomenonthat happened within three months: “my former musical experiences began to playback to me. I couldn’t differentiate between what I heard and real hearing.2After many years, it is still rewarding to listen to these play backs, to ‘hear’ music which is new to me and to find many quiet accompaniments for all ofmy moods. ”
How is it that the world we see,touch,hear,and smell isboth “out there” and at the same time withinus? There is no better example of this connection between external stimulus andinternal perception than the cochlear implant3. ____3____. However,it might be possible to use the brain’s remarkable power to make sense of theelectrical signals the implant produces.
When Michael Edgar first “switched on” hiscochlear implant, the sounds he heard were not at all clear. Gradually, withmuch hard work, he began to identify everyday sounds. For example, “The insistentringing of the telephone became clear almost at once.”
The primary purpose of the implant is to allowcommunication with others. When people spoke to Eagar, he heard their voices “comingthrough like a long-distance telephone call on a poor connection.” But when itcame to his beloved music, the implant was of no help.4 ____4____.He said, “I play the piano as I used to and hear it in my head at the sametime. The movement of my fingers and the feel of the keys give added ‘ clarity’to hearing in my head.5”
Cochlear implants allow the deaf to hear again ina way that is not perfect,but which can change their lives. ____5____. Even the most amazingcochlear implants would have been useless to Beethoven as he composed his NinthSymphony at the end of his life.
obstacle/ ˈɔbstək(ə)l /n.障碍
biographer/ baiˈɔɡrəfə / n.传记作者
insistent/ ɪnˈsɪst(ə)nt / adj.连续的
adversity/ ædˈv ə:sɪtɪ / n.逆境;不幸
fascinate/ ˈfæsɪneɪt / vt. 使着迷,使神魂颠倒
accompaniment/ əˈkʌmp(ə)nim(ə)nt / n. 伴奏
1.the triumph of will over adversity:the successful overcoming ofdifficulty through determination用意志力成功战胜不幸
2.I couldn’t differentiate betweenwhat I heard and real hearing.我不能分辨我听到的和真实的声音有什么不同。
3.cochlear implant:a device, surgically placed in theear, that changes sounds into electric signals人工耳蜗;耳蜗植入
4.But when it came to his belovedmusic, the implant was of no help.但是,如果碰到钟爱的音乐,人工耳蜗没有任何帮助。(我不用人工耳蜗就能听出来)
5.The movement of my fingers and thefeel of the keys give added “clarity” to hearing in my head.由于我手指在钢琴上的飞动,我能感觉到琴键,因而使我听到的东西在脑海里更加清晰。
A No man-made device could replace the ability to hear.
B When he wanted to appreciate music, Eagar played the piano.
C Still, as Michael Eagar discovered, when it comes to musicalharmonies, hearing is irrelevant.
D Michael Eagar, who died in 2003,became deaf at the age of 21.
E Beethoven produced his most wonderful works after he became deaf.
F Solomon argues that Beethoven’s deafness “heightened” hisachievement as a composer.
1.F 本段的开头讲:贝多芬的例子是一个意志力战胜耳聋的极好的例子。但是,他的传记作家Maynard Solomon却持不同的意见。贝多芬的耳聋不是一种灾难;相反,对他成为作曲家起到了促进作用。后一句解释了耳聋如何使贝多芬更好地创作。
2.D 该句是本段的开头,根据后一句:他描述了在三个月之内发生的奇妙的现象:我先前的音乐经历开始在我的脑海里回放。再有后一句的what I heard and real hearing可以判定D是恰当的。
3.A 依据前一句:只有人工耳蜗才能使外部刺激和内心感知联系起来(耳聋的人通过人工耳蜗听到外部的声音)。人工耳蜗就是一种man-made device,后一句也是在讲人工耳蜗的功能。所以A是对的。
4.B 依据后一句的play the piano呼应When he wanted to appreciate music, Eagar played the piano,可以断定答案为B。
5.C 前一句讲人工耳蜗的作用:它能使耳聋的人听到声音,尽管不完美,但改变了他们的生活;Still表示转折,该句承上启下,虽然人工耳蜗能帮助耳聋的人,但谈到音乐的韵律时,听力是不相关的(听力不起作用)。所以后一句讲贝多芬在他生命的最后时刻创作第九交响乐时,无论多么完美的人工耳蜗对他来说都没有用。