教程:理工类  浏览:522  
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      The First Bicycle

      The history of the bicycle goes back more than 200 years. In 1791, Count de Sivrac __________ (51)onlookers in a park in Paris as he showed off his two-wheeled invention, a machine called the celerifere.

      It was basically an __________ (52) version of a children's toy which had been in __________ (53) for many years. Sivrac's "celerifere" had a wooden flame, made in the __________ (54) of a horse, which was mounted on a wheel at either end. To ride it, you sat on a small seat, just like a modem bicycle, and pushed __________ (55) against the __________ (56) with your legs- there were no pedals. It was impossible to steer a celerifere and it had no brakes, but despite these problems the invention very much __________ (57) to the fashionable young men of Paris. Soon they were __________ (58)races up and down the streets.

      Minor __________ (59) were common as riders attempted a final burst of __________ (60).

      Controlling the machine was difficult, as the only way to change __________ (61) was to pull up the front of the "celenf" and (62) it round while the front wheel was __________ (63) in the air. "Celeriferes" were not popular for long, however, as the __________ (64) of no springs, no steering and rough roads made riding them very uncomfortable. Even so, the wooden celerifere was the __________ (65) of the modem bicycle.

      51. A. delighted  B. cheered  C. appreciated  D. overjoyed

      52. A. increased  B. enormous  C. extended  D. enlarged

      53. A. use  B. play  C. operation  D. service

      54. A. resemblance  B. shape  C. body  D. appearance

      55. A. fast  B. deeply  C. heavily  D. hard

      56. A. surface  B. ground  C. earth  D. floor

      57. A. attracted  B. appealed  C. took  D. called

      58. A. going  B. getting  C. holding  D. making

      59. A. wounds  B. trips  C. injuries  D. breaks

      60. A. velocity  B. energy  C. pace  D. speed

      61. A. direction  B. route  C. heading  D. way

      62. A. roll  B. drive  C. turn  D. revolve

      63. A. cycling  B. circling  C. winding  D. spinning

      64. A. mixture  B. link  C. combination  D. union

      65. A. origin  B. design  C. model  D. introduction


      51.B。从上下文的语境来看,尽管多数的国家都限制只将绝大多数的___________ 给当地人,但是其他国家还是吸引和欢迎移民来的工人。四个选项ob(工作),cases(个案),activities(活动),uses(使用)分别代入,job符合语境。



      54.C。从上下文的语境来看,中东引进了___________ 韩国和日本在内的许多国家的工人,显然including(包括)符合语境。

      55.B。从上下文的语境来看,考虑到中东的艰苦生活和工作___________ ,用高工资吸引合适的工人也就不奇怪了。四个选项conditions(条件),role(作用),difficulty(困难),event(事件)中,condition符合语境。



      58.C。从上下文的语境来看,有时候,不利的地方也可以从有利的地方中得到补偿。例如,在___________ 的劳动条件下,工人们不得不为了安全和舒服相互___________ 时促使友谊加深。从第二段的第一句话可以知道应该是difficult(困难)工作条件。其他三个选项necessary(必需的),normal(正常的),good(好的)都不符合语境。

      59.A。语境同上。这里考查固定搭配。depend on(依靠,依赖),look on(观看,旁观),base on(以……为基础),go on(继续,发生)。这里depend on符合语境。




      63.c。上一句中谈到的句子是最后一段的主题句。接着应该是说明___________ 。所在的句子就是说明。意思是:他们差不多总是订合同的,因而不大可能很有信心地超前安排。“合同”用contract。


      65.D。从上下文的语境来看,不管怎么样,迁移来的工人只能接受这种以及其他方面的不利之处,因为他们得到的经济方面的好处还是很多的。“不管怎么样”用in any case。

      上一篇:2017职称英语《理工B》完形填空模拟题及答案(1) 下一篇:2017职称英语《理工B》完形填空模拟题及答案(3)

