对话中对话者对他们谈论的人或事持什么观点或态度往往含而不露,考生只能根据对话内容的关键词、上下文甚至语气、语调的内涵意义并利用逻辑思维能力来进行判断,才能对传递的信息进行比较深层次的理解。具体表达观点、态度时,可能出现的模式有:间接表达式,不明说赞成或反对;反问否定式,常委婉地表示质疑和反对;委婉谢绝式,先表示肯定、赞成、谢意等,随后说出真实看法;看似否定实为肯定式,如 why not, I can’t agree any more 等。
How does the man/woman feel about...?
What does the man/woman think of...?
What does the man/woman say about...?
What does the man/woman mean?
Where does the conversation probably take place?
Where is the woman going?
Where are the two speakers?
在这类考题中,选项大部分是表示地点场所的名词,同时需注意这些名词前的介词,如in a bank, in a dining-room, at the airport, at home, on the desk, on the floor等,这些介词对判断场所非常有帮助。另外,考生应集中注意力去捕捉那些“关键词”,抓住了“关键词”,做题就容易多了。以下是一些常考的地点及相关词,也就是刚才提及的“关键词”,需重点记忆:
学校(school):required course, elective course, quiz, professor, thesis, make-up, credits, master, dormitory, department, lecture, essay, bookshelf, application form, entrance.
旅馆(hotel):reception, book, reservation, tip, check in, single room, double room.
饭店(restaurant)、酒吧(bar):menu, bill, drink, dessert, soup, steak, beer, appetizer, barbecue, cheese, cream, roast, beer, drink, wine, cafeteria, dining, saloon, pub, snack, bar, recipe.
商店(department store):supermarket, dress, color, style, fashion, price, bargain, reasonable.
医疗(medical treatment):doctor, nurse, patient, surgery, operation, medicine, dose, pill, temperature, headache, sore throat, bad cold, fever, cough, stomachache, heart disease, cancer.
火车(railway)、汽车(motor)、飞机(airplane)等交通设施:platform, traffic jam, airport, arrival time, departure, ticket agent, take off, board, land, flight, airlines, freight, passport, visa.
1. What does the woman mean?
[A] She knows the guy who will give the lecture.
[B] She thinks the lecture might be informative.
[C] She wants to add something to her lecture.
[D] She’ll finish her report this weekend.
2. Who are the two speakers?
[A] Teacher and student.
[B] Husband and wife.
[C] Clerk and customer.
[D] Doctor and patient.
3. Where are the man and woman?
[A] They are in a temple.
[B] They are in a museum.
[C] They are on a mountain.
[D] They are on a tower.
4. What did the man mean?
[A] He never does assignments early.
[B] He has finished it.
[C] He’ll finish it in a few minutes.
[D] He’ll finish it in a few hours.
5. Why is the man calling the campus newspaper office?
[A] Because he wants to buy a walkman.
[B] Because he wants to contribute an article to the newspaper.
[C] Because he wants to advertise a sale.
[D] Because he wants to buy a newspaper.
Question 1:
M:Do you want to go to the lecture this weekend? I heard the guy who’s going to deliver the lecture spent a year living in the rain foresr.
W:Great! I’m doing a report on the rain forest. Maybe I can get some new information
to add to it.
Question 2:
M:I’d like to buy a new coat for my wife.
W:The women’s suits are up on the 2nd floor.
Question 3:
M:Now, ladies and gentlemen, let me show you around this shrine first. Watch your steps, please. These stone stairs are wet and slippery.
W:Can I take pictures here?
Question 4:
W:Bill, where are you going?
M:I’m going to the tennis court.
W:Have you finished the composition our teacher assigned us yesterday?
M:Not yet. I always seem to put things off until the last minute.
Question 5:
W:Good morning, Campus Evening News. Can I help you?
M:Yes, I’d like to place an ad. I want my ad to say, “Walkman for sale. Panasonic 1989. Call 87310653 after 7:30 p.m.”
答案:1.B 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.C
[B] Husband and wife.
[C] Clerk and customer.
[D] Doctor and patient.
3. Where are the man and woman?
[A] They are in a temple.
[B] They are in a museum.
[C] They are on a mountain.
[D] They are on a tower.
4. What did the man mean?
[A] He never does assignments early.
[B] He has finished it.
[C] He’ll finish it in a few minutes.
[D] He’ll finish it in a few hours.
5. Why is the man calling the campus newspaper office?
[A] Because he wants to buy a walkman.
[B] Because he wants to contribute an article to the newspaper.
[C] Because he wants to advertise a sale.
[D] Because he wants to buy a newspaper.
Question 1:
M:Do you want to go to the lecture this weekend? I heard the guy who’s going to deliver the lecture spent a year living in the rain foresr.
W:Great! I’m doing a report on the rain forest. Maybe I can get some new information
to add to it.
Question 2:
M:I’d like to buy a new coat for my wife.
W:The women’s suits are up on the 2nd floor.
Question 3:
M:Now, ladies and gentlemen, let me show you around this shrine first. Watch your steps, please. These stone stairs are wet and slippery.
W:Can I take pictures here?
Question 4:
W:Bill, where are you going?
M:I’m going to the tennis court.
W:Have you finished the composition our teacher assigned us yesterday?
M:Not yet. I always seem to put things off until the last minute.
Question 5:
W:Good morning, Campus Evening News. Can I help you?
M:Yes, I’d like to place an ad. I want my ad to say, “Walkman for sale. Panasonic 1989. Call 87310653 after 7:30 p.m.”
答案:1.B 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.C