03 Daniel Radcliffe and Elijah Wood
Despite being the face of one of the best-selling franchises in the world, Daniel Radcliffe doesn't always get recognized on the streets.Or rather, people tend to think he's another similarly-built actor from a different fantasy series.
Yes, he and Lord of the Rings star Elijah Wood often get mistaken for each other, but it's no biggie, Radcliffe said in his Reddit AMA Monday.He even shared an anecdote where he was mistaken for Wood on a red carpet, of all places.
“I have signed a picture of Elijah Wood—and I think we've both said in interviews that we would like to play each other in films of our lives—but I was on a red carpet in Japan, and this Japanese man gave me a picture of Elijah, and I knew I wasn't going to get past the language barrier to explain, so I wrote ‘I am not Elijah Wood, signed Daniel Radcliffe.'”
In fact, he said he would love to do a movie with Wood, just to confuse people further, apparently.
In response to the question, “Can you and Elijah Wood make a movie where you're twins and one of you is evil but we don't know which until the bloodbath is ending?”Radcliffe replied:
“YES! Just write that movie! And absolutely! Let's do this! Or there could be a film where one of us, is like, an impersonator of the other? We've got to eke out some mileage out of this mistaken identity!”