【习题训练】 十、动词时态和语态
教程:中考英语试题  浏览:1977  
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    1. —Mr Johnson asked me to remind you of the meeting this afternoon. Don't forget it!

    —OK, I _________.

    A. won't

    B. don't

    C. will

    D. do

    2. —Did you watch the basketball match yesterday?

     —Yes, I did. You know, my brother _________ in the match.

    A. is playing

    B. was playing

    C. has played

    D. had played

    3. I _________ the maths hobby group for half a term.

    A. have joined

    B. have taken part in

    C. have been in

    D. have joined

    4. Mary _________ a private college last term. Now she _________ apart-time job in order to pay for her college expenses.

    A. attended… does

    B. attended… did

    C. had attended… does

    D. attended… have done

    5. —Where did you put the keys?

     —Oh, I _________ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _________ in.

    A. remembered… come

    B. remembered… was coming

    C. remember… come

    D. remember… was coming

    6. I won't go to the cinema because I _________ my homework.

    A. haven't finished

    B. didn't finish

    C. don't finish

    D. won't finish

    7. We first met on a train in 2000. We both felt immediately that we _________ each other for years.

    A. knew

    B. have known

    C. had known

    D. know

    8. Grandpa Li _________ almost twelve hours a day when he was young.

    A. made work

    B. was made work

    C. was made to work

    D. made to work

    9. —Have you got any job offers?

     —No. I _________.

    A. waited

    B. had been waiting

    C. have waited

    D. am waiting

    10. Look! The snow _________. Let's go out to make a snowman.

    A. is stopping

    B. has stopped

    C. stopped

    D. will stop

    11. —Have you known Dr. Jackson for a long time?

    —Yes, since she _________ the Chinese Society.

    A. has joined

    B. joins

    C. had joined

    D. joined

    12. The film _________ for fifteen minutes when I got to the cinema.

    A. has begun

    B. had begun

    C. has been on

    D. had been on

    13. The wet weather will continue tomorrow, when a cold front _________ to arrive.

    A. is expected

    B. is expecting

    C. expects

    D. will be expected

    14. When Ben was young, he often _________ fishing in that river.

    A. goes

    B. went

    C. is going

    D. will go

    15. —Have you read book called Waiting for Anya?

    —Who _________ it?

    A. writes

    B. has written

    C. wrote

    D. had written

    16. The film _________ for five minutes.

    A. has begun

    B. began

    C. has on

    D. has been on

    17. _________ the end of last week, I _________ five English songs.

    A. At… had learned

    B. By… have learned

    C. By… had learned

    D. In… have learned

    18. The hotel wasn't particularly good. But I _________ in many worse hotels.

    A. was staying

    B. stayed

    C. would stay

    D. had stayed

    19. I wonder if he _________ tomorrow. If he _________, please tell me.

    A. comes… will come

    B. will come… comes

    C. comes… comes

    D. will come… will come

    20. Some of the swamps have become polluted. The life we were used to _________ greatly since 1992.

    A. change

    B. has changed

    C. changing

    D. have changed

    21. Kevin _________ to work in his hometown after he graduated from university.

    A. goes

    B. went

    C. will go

    D. had gone

    22. The light went out just now. Something _________ wrong with it.

    A. would be

    B. must be

    C. will be

    D. was

    23. No decision _________ about any future appointment until all the candidates have been interviewed.

    A. will be made

    B. is made

    C. is being made

    D. has been made

    24. He _________ for a long time.

    A. has gone out

    B. has been away

    C. has been away from

    D. went out

    25. The telephone _________, but by the time I got indoors, it stopped.

    A. had rung

    B. was ringing

    C. rings

    D. has rung

    26. A recorder _________ in our English class.

    A. is often used

    B. often is used

    C. has often used

    D. often uses

    27. —What's that terrible noise?

    —The neighbors _________ for a party.

    A. prepared

    B. prepare

    C. will prepare

    D. are preparing

    28. Alfred _________ for over one hundred years.

    A. has been died

    B. died

    C. has died

    D. has been dead

    29. As China grows stronger and stronger, Chinese _________ in more and more schools out of our country.

    A. teaches

    B. is taught

    C. has taught

    D. was taught

    30. There _________ a talk on computer science next Wednesday.

    A. will be held

    B. is going to be had

    C. is going to have

    D. is going to be

    31. —What do you do?

    —I'm an engineer. I _________ in a company in Wuhan. I like my job very much.

    A. work

    B. had worked

    C. will work

    D. worked

    32. Hurry up! The concert _________ for ten minutes.

    A. has begun

    B. had begun

    C. has been on

    D. began

    33. You _________ pay your fine for speeding. If not, you _________ not be allowed to take back your license.

    A. should… can

    B. must… will

    C. need… shall

    D. can… must

    34. No one knows what the computers of tomorrow _________.

    A. likes

    B. will be liked

    C. will like

    D. will be like

    35. —People find it hard to get across the river.

    —I think at least two bridges over it _________.

    A. need

    B. are needing

    C. will need

    D. are needed

    36. Don't get off the bus until it _________.

    A. will stop

    B. doesn't stop

    C. has stopped

    D. stopped

    37. —Where is my little dog?

    —It _________ the back of the house.

    A. has gone to

    B. had gone to

    C. has been to

    D. had been to

    38. The Oriental Pearl TV Tower _________ tens of thousands of visitors since 1995.

    A. attracted

    B. attracts

    C. has attracted

    D. will attract

    39. I think it is necessary for my 19-year-old son to have his own mobile phone, for I sometimes want to make sure if he _________ home for dinner.

    A. come

    B. comes

    C. has come

    D. will come

    40. It is said that the early European playing-cards _________ for entertainment and education.

    A. were being designed

    B. have designed

    C. have been designed

    D. were designed

    41. —I don't suppose the police know who did it.

    —Well, surprisingly they do. A man has been arrested and _________ now.

    A. has been questioned

    B. is being questioned

    C. is questioning

    D. has questioned

    42. Many old houses around our school _________ next year and a large green area will appear.

    A. pull down

    B. will be pulled down

    C. will pull down

    D. are pulled down

    43. Although medical science _________ control over several dangerous diseases, what worries us is that some of them are returning.

    A. achieved

    B. has achieved

    C. will achieve

    D. had achieved

    44. Charlie can't go with us because he _________ a professor around our company.

    A. shows

    B. was showing

    C. has shown

    D. is showing

    45. I won't tell the student the answer to the math problem until he _________ on it for more than an hour.

    A. has been working

    B. will have worked

    C. will have been working

    D. had worked

    46. —What's the weather like the day after tomorrow?

    —I don't know if it _________ the day after tomorrow.

    —Well,if it _________, we won't go on a trip.

    A. rains… rains

    B. will rain… will rain

    C. will rain… rains

    D. rains… will rain

    47. How can you possibly miss the news? It _________ on TV all day long.

    A. has been

    B. had been

    C. was

    D. will be

    48. Many best-selling home milk brands such as Mengniu(蒙牛), Yili(伊利)and Bright(光明) _________ to contain melamine(三聚氰胺), which is usually used to make plastic.

    A. discover

    B. discovered

    C. are discovered

    D. were discovered

    49. Jenny _________ here with a Chinese family for two years. Now she's used to the life in China.

    A. stays

    B. would stay

    C. is staying

    D. has stayed

    50. —Do you often clean your classroom?

    —Yes, our classroom _________ every day.

    A. clean

    B. cleans

    C. is cleaned

    D. Cleaned

    51. —How long _________ at this job?

    —Since 1990.

    A. were you employed

    B. have you been employed

    C. had you been employed

    D. will you be employed

    52. Nancy _________ lots of charity work in her free time since she entered college.

    A. has done

    B. will do

    C. was doing

    D. is doing

    53. —You haven't said a word about my new coat, Brenda. Do you like it?

    —I'm sorry I _________ anything about it sooner. I certainly think it's pretty on you.

    A. wasn't saying

    B. don't say

    C. won't say

    D. didn't say

    54. The house belongs to my aunt but she _________ here any more.

    A. hasn't lived

    B. didn't live

    C. hadn't lived

    D. doesn't live

    55. Nancy _________ lots of charity work in her free time since she entered college.

    A. has done

    B. will do

    C. was doing

    D. is doing

    56. _________ the new job _________ you?

    A. Is… fit

    B. Was… fit

    C. Will… fit

    D. Does… fit

    57. I don't know if she _________ tomorrow. But if she _________ tomorrow,please let me know.

    A. comes… comes

    B. comes… will come

    C. will come… will come

    D. will come… comes

    58. —How clean and tidy your bedroom is!

    —Thank you. It _________ every day.

    A. cleans

    B. is cleaned

    C. was cleaned

    D. is cleaning

    59. A report says hundreds of thousands of trees _________ in the Amazon(亚马孙河)rainforest last year.

    A. was cut down

    B. have been cut down

    C. were cut down

    D. has been cut down

    60. —What should we do first if we want to develop our village?

    —A lot of new roads _________, I think.

    A. must build

    B. have to build

    C. must be built

    D. have built

    61. Look! Jane's grandmother _________ with some aged people in the park.

    A. dances

    B. danced

    C. is dancing

    D. was dancing

    62. That building is part of Shanghai's history. It _________ many years ago.

    A. built

    B. builds

    C. is built

    D. was built

    63. This computer _________ to me.

    A. is not belonged

    B. was not belonged

    C. does not belong

    D. will not be belonged

    64. Father _________ for London on business upon my arrival, so I didn't see him.

    A. has left

    B. left

    C. was leaving

    D. had left

    65. No decision _________ about any future appointment until all the candidates have been interviewed.

    A. will be made

    B. is made

    C. is being made

    D. has been made

    66. —When _________ your brother _________ back?

    —About half an hour ago.

    A. did… come

    B. had… come

    C. do… come

    D. have… come

    67. The new dictionaries are very useful. They _________ well and _________ already.

    A. sell… have been sold out

    B. sold… had sold out

    C. sell… sell out

    D. are sold… have been sold out

    68. —Did you see a man in black pass by just now?

    —No, sir. I _________ a newspaper.

    A. read

    B. was reading

    C. would read

    D. am reading

    69. —Do you think we should accept that offer?

    —Yes, we should, for we _________ such bad luck up till now, and time _________ out.

    A. have had… is running

    B. had… is running

    C. have… has been run

    D. have had… has been run

    70. The moment I got home, I found I _________ my jacket on the playground.

    A. had left

    B. left

    C. have left

    D. was leaving

    71. Though we don't know what was discussed, yet we can feel the topic _________.

    A. had changed

    B. will change

    C. was changed

    D. has been changed

    72. So far this year we _________ a fall in house prices by between 5 and 10 percent.

    A. saw

    B. see

    C. had seen

    D. have seen

    73. —Sorry to interrupt you. Please go on.

    —Where was I?

    —You _________ you didn't like your father's job.

    A. had said

    B. said

    C. were saying

    D. had been saying

    74. We publish our school newspaper twice a month.(改为被动语态)

    Our school newspaper _________ twice a month.

    75. The Eiffel Tower _________ (design) by a Frenchman called Gustave Eiffel over 100 years ago.

      上一篇:中考英语易错题 十、动词时态和语态 下一篇:参考答案和解析 十、动词时态和语态

