【习题训练】 十三、感叹句
教程:中考英语试题  浏览:638  
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    1. __________exciting music the recorder is playing!

    A. What an

    B. What

    C. How an

    D. How

    2. __________important information they're given us!

    A. What

    B. What an

    C. What a

    D. How

    3. __________important piece of information it is!

    A. What

    B. What an

    C. How

    D. How an

    4. __________advice you have taken!

    A. How useful

    B. What an useful

    C. What useful

    D. What a useful

    5. __________good news you told me by phone yesterday!

    A. What

    B. What a

    C. How

    D. What an

    6. __________great fun it is to swim in summer!

    A. What

    B. How

    C. What a

    D. What an

    7. __________is running!

    A. What slowly the bus

    B. How slowly the bus

    C. What a slow bus

    C. How slowly a bus it

    8. __________useful advice they have given us!

    A. What a

    B. What an

    C. How

    D. What

    9. It is convenient to travel by underground.(改为感叹句)

    __________ __________it is to travel by underground!

    10. Yao Ming is an excellent Chinese basketball player.(改为感叹句)

    __________ __________excellent Chinese basketball player Yao Ming is!

      上一篇:中考英语易错题 十三、感叹句 下一篇:参考答案和解析 十三、感叹句

