shall [ʃəl]
just [dʒʌst]
adj. 公正的;恰当的;正确的
【派】justice [ˈdʒʌstɪs] n.公正;正义;公道
(2009湖北)If justice were done, the Swiss watch industry should have closed down when the Japanese discovered how to make accurate watches for a five-pound note.
injustice [ɪnˈdʒʌstɪs] n.不公平;不公正行为
(2013江苏)And Twain, raised in a slave state, briefly a soldier, and inventor of Jim, may have done more to anger the nation over racial injustice and awaken its collective conscience than any other novelist in the past century.
justify [ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪ] v.证明……是正当的;是……的正当理由
read [riːd]
【派】reader [ˈriːdə(r)] n.读者
reading [ˈriːdɪŋ] n.阅读;读物
reread [riː'riːd] v.重读;再读
home [həʊm]
adj. 国内的;家庭的;有效的
adv. 在家;向家
【派】homeless ['həʊmləs] adj.无家可归的
(2006全国)The homeless people may have become jobless and then been unable to pay their rent and so no longer have a roof over their heads.
【形】homeland ['həʊmlænd] n.祖国;故乡
homeowner ['həʊməʊnə(r)] n.私房屋主;自己拥有住房者
homesick ['həʊmsɪk] adj.想家的;思乡病的
hometown ['həʊm'taʊn] n.家乡;故乡
homework ['həʊmwɜːk] n.家庭作业;课外作业