break [breɪk]
v. 打破(纪录);(常指好天气)突变;(价格)突然下跌
(2012上海)White's second reason for making the trip was to break the world record and become the fastest person to cycle around the world.He is still waiting to find out if he has broken the record or not.
【形】unbroken [ʌn'brəʊkn] adj.未破损的;完整的;继续的;未被阻断的
breakdown ['breɪkdaʊn] n.故障;崩溃;分解;衰弱
breakfast ['brekfəst] n.早餐;早饭 v.吃早餐
breakthrough ['breɪkθruː] n.突破;突破性进展
bread [bred] n.面包;生计
breadboard [ˈbredbɔːd] n.擀面板;案板;电路试验板
breast [brest] n.乳房;胸部;胸怀;心情
breath [breθ] n.呼吸;气息;一口气
(2010江西)After holding his breath for as long as he could, Andy came up for air and noticed the bees had gone.
breathless ['breθləs] adj.喘不过气来的;停止呼吸的
breathe [briːð] v.呼吸;使喘息;流露;轻声说出
breathtaking ['breθteɪkɪŋ] adj.惊人的;惊险的;令人激动的
decide [dɪ'saɪd]
【派】decision [dɪ'sɪʒn] n.决定;决议
(2013湖南)Having worked as a full time teacher and now as an adolescent advisor, Podell believes that talking things out is important in the decision-making process.
decisive [dɪ'saɪsɪv] adj.决定性的;果断的;坚定的
【形】decimal ['desɪm(ə)l] n.小数 adj.小数的;十进位的
American [ə'merɪkən]
n. 美国人;美语
(2009四川)American College Test is one of the most difficult parts of the admissions course.It's nor the most important, though, and not everyone needs to prepare for the test.But, if you think you can do better, find the right course for better scores.
【派】America [ə'merɪkə] n.美洲;美国
Americanism [ə'merɪkənɪzəm] n.美国英语;美国特点
【形】among [ə'mʌŋ] prep.在……中间;在……之中
(2008福建)The researchers said that among the problems with some earlier studies is that they often failed to take into account that those people most at risk for skin cancer—people with fair skin and freckles, for example—are more likely to use sunscreen.
amount [ə'maʊnt] v.总计;共计 n.数量;总额;总数
(2007陕西)Between January and November, the amount was up 18% on the same period of 2005.Poverty and unemployment are still high in the Philippines and other labour exporting countries.
cause [kɔːz]
v. 引起;使遭受