especially [ɪ'speʃ(ə)li]
hospital ['hɒspɪt(ə)l]
【形】host [həʊst] n.主机;主人;主持人;许多 v.主持;(国家、城市或机构)主办(活动);做主人
hostess ['həʊstɪs] n.女主人;女服务员
necessary ['nesəsəri]
【派】unnecessary [ˌʌn'nesəsəri] adj.不必要的;多余的;无用的
necessarily [ˌnesə'serəli] adv.必要地;必然地
necessity [nə'sesəti] n.必需品;必要(性)
(2013天津)We took the country roads out of necessity.We had to stop every hour, let Banner shake out his legs and feed him.
【词组】out of necessity:出于必要;迫不得已
physical ['fɪzɪkl]
(2011四川)Brian Gambles, the LoB project director, says it is about giving people the right tools for learning, "The aim is to mix the physical with the digital, providing 24-hour services which can be used through many different ways.”
【译】伯明翰图书馆 (Library of Birmingham) 的项目总监布兰恩·甘布尔斯说,该项目将为人们学习提供合适的工具,“目标是将实体(图书馆)与数字(图书馆)相结合,以多种不同方式提供24小时的服务。”
【派】physically ['fɪzɪkli] adv.物理上;身体上
physician [fɪ'zɪʃn] n.内科医生
physics ['fɪzɪks] n.物理学;物理现象
physicist ['fɪzɪsɪst] n.物理学家;唯物论者