spread [spred]
(2013天津)Five months later, my mom received a phone call, and immediately, a wide smile spread across her face.
distant ['dɪstənt]
(2014全国)He reported the case to the police and then sat there, lost and lonely in strange city, thinking of the terrible troubles of getting all the paperwork organized again from a distant country while trying to settle down in a new one.
【派】distance ['dɪstəns] n.距离;远方;疏远;间隔 v.疏远;把……远远甩在后面
industry ['ɪndəstri]
【派】industrialization [ɪnˌdʌstriəlaɪ'zeɪʃ(ə)n] n.工业化
industrialize [ɪn'dʌtriəlaɪz] v.使工业化;实现工业化
industrial [ɪn'dʌstriəl] adj.工业的;产业的;从事工业的;勤劳的
north [nɔː(r)θ]
n. 北方;北部
adv. 在北方;向北方
【形】northwards [ˈnɔː(r)θwə(r)dz] adv.向北
northern ['nɔːðən] adj.北部的;北方的
northwest [ˌnɔː(r)θ'west] n.西北部;西北方 adj.西北的;向西北的 adv.自西北
northeast [ˌnɔː(r)θ'iːst] n.东北部;东北方 adj.东北的;向东北的 adv.向东北