n. 主题;主旋律
v. 打乱;打搅;使心烦意乱
adj. 难过的;心烦的;(肠胃)不舒服的
【例】adj. 难过的
(2014福建)Walking towards the scene, Tenyson became very upset about what had happened to the couple.
n. 化学制品;化学药品
adj. 化学的
【例】adj. 化学的
(2009全国-C)Now scientists have created a quick way to understand what plants are saying: a chemical Sensor called an electronic nose.
【派】chemist [ˈkemɪst] n. 化学家;药店;药剂师
chemistry [ˈkemɪstri] n. 化学;化学 过程
n. 迷;风扇;扇形
v. 煽动;给……扇风;把(火)扇旺
【形】fancy[ˈfænsi] n. 幻想;爱好 adj. 奇特的;(过于)昂贵的;精美的 v. 想象;幻想;喜爱;设想
fanciful [ˈfænsɪf(ə)l] adj. 空想的;稀 奇的
fantastic [fænˈtæstɪk] adj. 奇异的;古怪的;不可思议的;(数量)极大的
fantasy[ˈfæntəsi] n. 幻想;白日梦;幻觉
【例】n. 幻想
(2013广东)Imagination and fantasy can play an important role in achieving the things we fear.