n. 诗
【派】poetry [ˈpəʊətri] n. 诗;诗歌
poet [ˈpəʊɪt] n. 诗人
n. 反应;应变能力
【例】n. 反应
(2010陕西)It’s because of how the brain works. The brain is trained to know what to pay attention to and what to ignore. It causes us to ignore physical feelings we expect to happen, but it causes a mild panic reaction when there is an unexpected feeling.
【派】react [riˈækt] v. 反应;作出反应;起不良反应
reactor [riˈæktə(r)] n. 反应器;反应堆;起反应的人
overreact [ˌəʊvəriˈækt] v. 反应过激
n. 摄影;狩猎
v. 拍摄;射击;射门;投篮;猛冲
【派】shooting [ˈʃuːtɪŋ] n. 射击;摄影
adj. 有活力的;活着的;继续存在的
【例】adj. 继续存在的
(2011湖北)According to Armstrong, the goal of reading is to _______.
A.gain knowledge and expand one’s view
B.understand the meaning between the lines
C.express ideas based on what one has read
D.get information and keep it alive in memory
【形】alike[əˈlaɪk] adj. 相像的 adv. 相似地
【例】adv. 相似地
(2008广东)Parents and kids today dress alike, listen to the same music, and are friends. Is this a good thing?
alert[əˈlɜː(r)t] v. 警告
alert[əˈlɜːt] adj. 警惕的;机敏的 n. 警报;警戒(状态)
【例】adj. 机敏的
(2008上海)Such a diet is based primarily on grain products, fruits, and vegetables, with moderate amounts of meat and dairy products and with small amounts of snacks and desserts. Research demonstrates that this kind of diet leaves you more alert and energetic.