n. 车辆;交通工具;(实现目的的)工具;手段;媒介
【例】n. 车辆
(2015湖南)It’s about time they had to be registered and insured, so when they do hit a pedestrian or a vehicle, or cause an accident, at least they can be treated and there might be an opportunity to claim.
【译】他们现在(骑自行车的人)必须去登记和投保了,这样当他们撞了行人或车辆或造成交通事故时,至少他们能够得到处理,而且也可能有机会 索赔。
n. 弱点;缺点;软弱;衰弱;虚弱;(对人或事物的)迷恋
【例】n. 虚弱
(2010湖南)Unexplained muscle pain or weakness,especially if you have a fever or feel very tired.
【派】weak [wiːk] adj. (身体)无力的;虚弱的;意志薄弱的;稀薄的;稀释的;(货币、经济、产业、政府等)疲软的;有崩溃危险的
weaken [ˈwiːkən] v. 削弱;减弱;(使) (决心)动摇;使虚弱;使无力;使损坏
【例】v. 削弱
(2008江西)In recent years, IP rights have been the focus of a great deal of discussions because of a technology which looks set to weaken them altogether: the Internet.
v. 表现;守规矩
【派】behavior [bɪˈheɪvjə(r)] n. 行为
【例】n. 行为
(2015上海)When involved in deliberate play activities, children are less concerned with the outcome of their behavior (whether they win or lose) than with the behavior (having fun).
【译】参与精心设计的比赛活动时,孩子们不太关心他们行为的结果(是赢还是输),而是更加关心这个行为本身 (是否有乐趣)。
【形】behalf [bɪˈhɑːf] n. 代表;利益
behind[bɪˈhaɪnd] prep. 支持;落后于;晚于 adv. 在后地;在原处
n. 块;障碍物
v. 阻止;阻塞;限制
【例】v. 阻止
(2011重庆)In the early 16th century, people thought that dirt on the skin was a means to block out disease, as medical opinion had it that washing off dirt with hot water could open up the skin and let ills in.
【词组】block out :阻挡
【派】unblock [ˌʌnˈblɒk] v. 疏通;除去……的障碍