n. 扳机;触发器;引爆器;诱因;起因;引发……的原因
v. 触发;引起;引发;发动;促使
【例】v. 引发
(2008上海)There may be psychological problems from early childhood or the present (such as school or family conflicts) that trigger the problem.
【译】这一问题的诱因也许是童年早期的心理问题或者现在的心理问题 (如学校或家庭冲突)。
n. 视力;视觉;幻象;幻觉;想象力;展望
【例】n. 视觉
(2006上海春)In some children who go blind, certain parts of the brain that normally control vision appear to switch jobs and focus instead on sound, a new study has found.
【词组】appear to:似乎;好像;看来像是
v. 擦;拭;消除;抹去(计算机、磁带或录像机上的信息等);抹去(旧事)
n. 擦;拭;抹布;湿巾
【派】wiper [ˈwaɪpə(r)] n. (挡风玻璃)刮雨器;雨刷
v. 包;用……缠绕(或围紧);用……包裹
n. 披肩;围巾;包装材料
【派】unwrap [ʌnˈræp] v. 打开;散开
【例】v. 打开
(2010湖南)On Christmas morning, Linda wakes up, and tries to imagine the wide-eyed surprise of children in another household as they unwrap the presents she carefully chose for them.