40篇英语短文记高考3500词:12.Balanced Diet
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    3500个单词靠死记硬背肯定是非常痛苦的,但是如果把这些单词巧妙的融入到40篇英语短文中,每天一篇,再根据自己的习惯加以强化记忆,就可以在潜移默化中掌握这3500个单词,以下是小编整理的关于40篇英语短文记高考3500词:12.Balanced Diet的资料,希望对你有所帮助!


    12.Balanced Diet


    Wang Peng earned his living by running a barbecuerestaurant, which served delicious bacon, fried chicken breastand mutton roasted with pepper and garlic. But his food anddiscount attracted fewer and fewer customers. Finally, he wasin debt. Yong Hui’s slimming restaurant served fresh peas,carrots, eggplants, and raw cucumbers with vinegar. As thehostess, she said fibres benefited customers' digestion the most. In order not to let Yong Hui get away with telling

    lies, Wang Peng spied on Yong Hui despite her glare. But he was surprised that she was losing her customers, too.

    Curiosity drove Wang Peng to consult an expert. The expert sighed and said, “Both of your menus have weaknessand limited strength. Your customers put on weight too easily, while Yong Hui’s lose weight too quickly. So, Wang Peng, cut down the fat of your food and increase vegetables and fruits, like nuts, beans, mushrooms, peaches and lemons. You ought to combine the two menus and provide a balanced diet.”

    Before long, Wang Peng won his customers back.




      上一篇:40篇英语短文记高考3500词:11.An Interesting Festival 下一篇:40篇英语短文记高考3500词:13.Sailing Home

