10.25 现在分词的构成和性质
主动语态 被动语态
一般式 doing being done
完成式 having done having been done
(1)Going down town I met a friend. 我到市区时遇到一个朋友。(现在分词going有状语down town)
(2)Do you know that man carrying a large umbrella? 你认识那个拿着一把大雨伞的人吗?(现在分词carrying有宾语a large umbrella)
(3)He is a modest, understanding man. 他是一个谦虚而能谅解的人。(现在分词understanding用作定语)
10.26 现在分词的功用
(1)This story is very interesting. 这个故事是很有趣。
(2)This film is more exciting than any that I’ve ever seen. 这部影片比我所看过的都更令人激动。
(3)He is an attacking player. 他是一个攻击型的运动员。
(4)He asked an embarrassing question. 他提了一个令人难堪的问题。
(5)This is Mr. Smith speaking. 我是史密斯先生。(电话用语)
(6)Oh, it’s the cake burning. 噢,糕点烧焦了。
(7)This is nothing doing. 不行!(nothing doing是一固定词组,表示拒绝)
(8)Let’s drop the subject for the time being. 让我们现在不再谈这个话题了吧。(for the time being是一固定词组)
(9)They’ve had rich harvests for three years running. 他们已连续三年获得丰收。(running常置于表示时间的名词之后表示“连续的”)
a promising man 一个有为的青年(已转化为形容词promising,无动词性质)
a leading comrade 领导同志(未转化为形容词,仍有动词性质)
a knowing smile 会意的微笑
developing countries 发展中国家
working people 劳动人民
running water 自来水
welcoming speeches 欢迎辞
a changing world 不断变化的世界
those stirring years 那些激动人心的岁月
a crushing blow 沉重一击
the neighbouring states 邻国
a standing committee 常务委员会
guiding principles 指导原则
differing systems 相异的制度 / different systems 不同的制度
varying prices 各不相同的价格 / various prices 各种(不同)的价格
由上面的两例可以看出,现在分词用作定语时有动词性质,具有能动性,而形容词则只表一种品质或性质。有时二者的意义则完全不同。如:loving 钟爱的 / lovely 可爱的
(10)A little child learning to walk often falls. 学走路的小孩常常跌跤。
(11)Houseplants requiring constant attention are not suitable for working couples with little spare time. 业余时间不多的双职工不宜养育经常需要护理的家种植物。
(12)There I met a friend, fishing. 我在那里遇见一个朋友,他在钓鱼。
(13)He was a great realist, writing about ordinary men and women in their misfortunes. 他是一个伟大写实主义者,写了许多平凡的不幸中的人。
(14)A young man writing novels came to speak to us yesterday. 一位写小说的青年昨天来向我们作报告。(现在分词writing=who write)
(15)Do you know the number of people coming to the party? 你知道来参加晚会的人数吗?(现在分词coming=who will come)
(16)Stepping carelessly off the pavement, he was knocked down by the bus. 他不小心离开了人行道,被公共汽车撞倒了。(表时间,发生于谓语动作之前,置于句首)
(17)He went out shutting the door behind him. 他出去后将门随手关上。(表时间,发生于谓语动作之后,置于句末)
(18)She broke her looking glass, dressing to go out. 她在外出前穿着时把镜子打破了。(二者同时发生,置于句末)
(19)While flying over the Channel, the pilot saw what he thought to be a meteorite. 飞过英吉利海峡时,驾驶员认为他看见了一颗陨星。(强调动作同时发生时,现在分词前可用when或while)
(20)Being sick I stayed at home. 我因病待在家中。(现在分词being常表原因)
(21)Seeing that it was raining, George put on his mackintosh. 鉴于下雨,乔治穿上了雨衣。(seeing that是一表原因的固定说法)
(22)Robert used the phone to cancel his lunch date with Basil, having suddenly remembered a previous engagement. 罗伯特打电话取消了他与巴兹尔吃午餐的约会,因为他突然想起已另有他约。(置于句末的现在分词完成式常表原因)
(23)According to this theory, a large meteor hitting the moon would melt the surface rock by the force of the collision. 根据此理论,一颗大流星落在月球上所产生的碰撞力就会使月球表面上的岩石熔化。(表条件,置于谓语之前)
(24)Sit down, Emma. You will only make yourself more tired, keeping on your feet. 坐下吧,埃玛。你老站着,只会弄得你更累。(表条件,置于谓语之后)
(25)Knowing all this, they made me pay for the damage. 他们尽管了解这一切,还是要我赔偿损失。(表让步,置于句首)
(26)Finally we appealed to a famous doctor knowing it was very improper to ask him to work on a dog. 最后我们向一位名医呼救,虽然我们知道请他给一条狗治病是很不适宜的。(表让步,置于句末)
(27)The child fell, striking his head against the door and cutting it. 那孩子跌倒了,头碰在门上碰破了。(表结果,置于句末)
(28)He said that the leaves of his jasmine plant had turned yellow. He thought that it was due to a water shortage so he applied more water, only making things worse. 他说他的茉莉花的叶子变黄了。他想是缺水所致,于是多浇了水,结果反而更糟。(表结果,与only连用)
(29)He died a glorious death fighting the bandits for us. 他为我们与匪徒战斗,光荣牺牲了。(表方式)
(30)He sat in the armchair, reading the newspaper. 他坐在扶手椅上读报纸。(表伴随情况)
[注]有少数现在分词常放在某些形容词之前,起一种相当于副词的功用,往往意谓“极”或“非常”。如:freezing(biting,piercing) cold 极冷;burning(steaming,scorching) hot 极热;raving mad 疯狂;soaking wet 湿透
(31)I saw the naughty boy hitting the dog. 我看见那个顽皮的孩子打狗。
(32)I felt the house shaking. 我觉得房子在摇晃。
这样的动词还有find,hear,smell,observe,watch,notice,look at,listen to等。另外,有些使役动词如have,set,get,catch,keep,leave等亦可后接含有现在分词的复合宾语。如:
(33)We’ll soon have you walking about again. 我们将很快地使你能再走动。
(34)Can you get the clock going again? 你能使这钟再走吗?
作为宾语补语的现在分词有时其前可有as,前面的动词多用regard,consider,describe,quote,picture,see,think of等。如:
(35)We consider this sentence pattern as being useful. 我们认为这种句型是有用的。(being可省去)
(36)They regarded the contract as having been broken. 他们认为合同已被破坏。
(37)He was seen going upstairs. 有人看见他上楼的。
(38)She was heard singing all the time. 人们听到她一直在唱。
10.27 现在分词的独立结构
(1)The dark clouds having dispersed, the sun shone again. 乌云已散去,太阳又普照大地了。
(2)The question being settled, we went home. 问题解决之后,我们就回家了。
(3)The monitor being ill we’d better put the meeting off. 班长病了,我们最好还是延期开会吧。
(4)The river having risen in the night, the crossing was impossible. 夜里河水上涨,渡河不可能了。
(5)Weather permitting, we’ll have the match tomorrow. 天气允许的话,我们将于明天进行比赛。
(6)Other things being equal, I would buy the black dress not the white one. 其它方面如皆相同,我将买那件黑的衣服,不买那件白的。
(7)Their room was on the third floor, it’s window overlooking the sports ground. 他们的房间在三层楼上,窗户俯视着操场。
(8)He guiding her, they stumbled through the street. 他引着她,两个人蹒跚穿过那条街。
(9)He, God willing, would be in the village before the second next month. 他,如果情况允许,将于下月2日前来到这个村庄。
(10)We redoubled our efforts, each man working like two. 我们加倍努力,每一个人就像于两个人的话。
(11)Only three fissile materials are known at present, these being uranium-235, uranium-233 and plutonium. 现在只知道三种可裂变物质,即铀-235,铀-233和钚。
(12)With Mr. Ade taking the lead, they decided to set up a trading company. 以艾德先生为首,他们决定成立一个贸易公司。(用作方式状语)
(13)We went into a large waiting room with a large fan spinning overhead. 我们走进一个大候诊室,头上有一个大电扇运转着。(用作定语)
(14)With the whole meeting in uproar, the chairman abandoned the attempt to take a vote. 整个会议吵作一团,于是主席放弃了投票的企图。(用作原因状语)
10.28 现在分词的完成式
(1)Having noted down our names and addresses, the policeman dismissed us. 那警察把我们的姓名和地址记下之后就让我们走了。(表时间)
(2)I was unable to accept your invitation, having promised to accompany my mother to the concert. 我因已答应陪我母亲赴音乐会而不能接受你的邀请。(表原因)
(3)Not having met him, I cannot tell you what he is like. 我没有见过他,所以说不出他的模样。(表原因)
(4)Any man having witnessed the attack is under suspicion. 任何目击此次袭击的人都有了嫌疑。
(5)My turn having come round, I was ushered into the examining room. 轮到我时,我就被引入考试室。
(6)Passing through the wall of mud, they found a cheerful company assembled. 穿过土墙,他们发现有一伙人欢聚在一起。(passing=having passed)
(7)Locking the door, she went out. 她锁上门走了出去。(locking与went out无时隔)
(8)Having finished his pipe, he rose from the table. 他抽完了烟斗之后,从饭桌站了起来。(having finished与rose有时隔,以免唐突无礼)
10.29 现在分词的被动式
(1)The house being built is a big project. 正在施工的那幢楼是一项很大的工程。(现在分词一般式被动式,用作定语)
(2)This having been said. Let us return to our subject. 道完了此事,让我们言归正传吧。(现在分词完成式,用于独立结构)
(3)Being surrounded, the enemy troops were forced to surrender. 敌军被包围了,结果被迫投降。(现在分词一般式被动式,用作原因状语)
(4)Did you see the boy being questioned by the police? 你看见那男孩受到警察审问了吗?(现在分词一般式被动式,用作宾语补语)
(5)Being written in haste, the composition is full of mistakes. 这篇文章仓猝写就,因而错误百出。(being written较having been written好)
(6)She rebuked herself for forgetting what she really knew quite well, having been told it often. 她常被告以此事,所以她责备自己忘记了她实已熟知的事。(如用being told it often,除可能具有having been told it often的含义外,也可能具有“经常被告诉”的意思)
10.30 现在式的否定式
(1)Not seeing John, I asked where he was. 我看不见约翰,于是问他在何处。(现在分词一般式的否定式)
(2)I left at noon, not staying to hear the commencement address by John Buchan. 我中午即离去,没有留下听约翰•布坎在毕业典礼上的演说。(现在分词一般式的否定式)
(3)Not being seen by any one, he escaped. 他趁无人看见时逃跑了。(现在分词被动式的否定式)
(4)Not having done it right, I tried again. 我由于没有做对,所以又试了试。(现在分词完成式的否定式)
10.31 垂悬的现在分词
(1)He was lying on the couch, enjoying his pipe. 他躺在睡椅上吸着烟斗。
但有时现在分词的主语与其所在句中的主语并不一致,这种现在分词即所谓垂悬分词(dangling participle)。垂悬分词的逻辑主语有时是句中的非主语成分。如:
(2)Walking or sleeping, this subject was always in my mind. 不论是走路或是睡觉,我总是在想着这个问题。(walking or sleeping的逻辑主语是句中的my)
(3)Wiping the sweat from his brow, it seemed to Kunta that his people were always enduring one hardship or another. 孔塔抹去额上的汗珠,似乎觉得他的人民总是在受这样那样的苦。(wiping的逻辑主语是句中的Kunta)
(4)Using the electric energy, it is necessary to change its form. 我们使用电能时须改变其形式。
(5)Granting these differences, the service was a service. 我们姑且承认这些区别,但礼拜还是礼拜。
(6)Trying to sit up, the whole room had reeled. 他想坐起来,但觉得整个房间旋转。
(7)Entering the house, the door closed with a bang. 那人进了屋,门砰的一声就关上了。
有时现在分词用来表示说话人对所说的话表示一种态度,它们已变成固定词组,可以看作一种句子的独立成分。如:generally(strictly,etc.) speaking 一般(严格等)地说;judging from… 从....来判断;talking of ….. 说到....;allowing for…. 考虑到....;considering…. 考虑到....;counting….. 算上....;assuming ….. 假定....;supposing ….. 假定....;barring…. 除去....。
10.32 现在分词与不定式的比较
(1)I saw him go upstairs. 我看见他上楼去了。
(2)I saw him going upstairs. 我看见他上楼去的。
(3)She felt the tears roll down her cheeks. 她感到眼泪流了下来。(一次性动作)
(4)She felt the tears rolling down her cheeks. 她感到眼泪不断地流了下来。(重复性动作)
(5)We saw the sun rise. 我们看见了日出。
(6)We saw the sun rising behind the trees. 我们看见太阳从树后出来。
(7)You should send your shoes to be repaired. 你应将鞋子送来以便修补。(必须用不定式)
(8)The explosion sent glass flying everywhere. 玻璃被炸得飞向四处。(必须用现在分词)
(9)What would you have me do? 你想要我做什么呢?
(10)Have Smith come and see me. 叫史密斯来见我。(have在此有“吩咐”的意思)
(11)I won’t have you say such things. 我不许你这样讲话。
(12)I won’t have you saying such things.
10.33 现在分词与动名词的比较
现在分词用作定语时,与动名词不同。首先,现在分词不重读,动名词则须重读。如: a ˊsleeping ˊchild 熟睡的孩子(现在分词不重读)
a ˊsleeping car 卧车(动名词须重读)。
a hard-working student 一个很用功的学生(现在分词working之前有副词hard,是working的状语)
a good-looking girl 一个漂亮的姑娘(现在分词looking之前有形容词good,是looking的表语)
a man-eating animal 一个吃人的动物(现在分词eating之前有名词man,是 eating的宾语)
a big waiting room 一大间候车室(形容词big不修饰动名词waiting,而是修饰waiting room)
(1)I saw him smoking. 我看见他在吸烟。(现在分词表进程,him不可变为his)
(2)I dislike him smoking. 我厌恶他吸烟。(smoking是动名词,因为him可变为his,全句=I dislike the fact that he smokes)
(3)He is busy writing something. 他在忙于写东西。
有一些现在分词已转化为介词,如regarding,concerning ,notwithstanding,considering,granting,according等。