教程:高中英语语法大全  浏览:1258  
  • 提示:点击文章中的单词,就可以看到词义解释


    ( 1 ) The old woman __________ten years ago.

    ( 2 ) She was working on the day of her_______________.

    ( 3 ) I think the sick man is____________.

    ( 4 ) He has been ____________for three years.


    die 是表示短暂性动作的动词,意为“死亡”、“断气”,指生命的结束,强调动作。如:

    The girl's grandpa died five years ago.

    注意: die 不可和一段时间的状语连用。

    (误) He has died for two years.

    (正) he has been dead for two years.

    dead 是形容词,意为“死的”,通常和 be 动词连用,表示死的状态。如:

    Her father has been dead for one year.

    dying 是 die 的现在分词,常用作形容词,意思是“要死的”、“濒临死亡的”。如:

    The old man is dying.

    death 是 die 的名词形式,意为“死、死亡”。如:

    It makes me very sad when I think of my grandpa's death.

    Keys: ( 1 ) died ( 2 ) death ( 3 ) dying ( 4 ) dead

      上一篇:【高一英语】语法:代词的用法详解(3) 下一篇:高中英语语法(8)“有时”不同

