挪威发生了枪击和炸弹袭击事件,至少造成92人死亡,其中许多是青少年。一天之后,挪威举国哀悼。警方已经起诉了一名32岁的挪威男子安德西?布莱维克(Anders Behring Breivik)。奥斯陆爆炸事件中7人死亡,一个小岛上的青少年夏令营中至少85人被枪杀,警方正在就此对德西?布莱维克进行审讯。Richard Galpin从这个小岛附近发回报道。
Norway is coming to terms with the worst spate of killings it’s suffered since the Second World War. And the survivors who’ve now been brought off the island have been describing what happened when the gunman disguised as a police officer opened fire on the crowds of teenagers attending a summer camp organised by the governing Labour Party. Lisa Marie Husby was one of many who had a narrow escape, managing to hide in a cabin after being chased by the gunman.
挪威方面称,这是自第二次世界大战以来遇到的最严重的杀戮事件。已经被带离这个小岛的幸存者描述了当时的情景。一名伪装成警察的枪手走向小岛,然后开枪扫射参加由执政党工党组织的夏令营的青少年人群。Lisa Marie Husby侥幸逃脱,他被枪手追杀后藏身在一间小木屋中。
"Everybody that I took with me was safe. But three of them changed their minds on their way and ran back to the main building, and they’re missing now. I haven’t seen them, and I haven’t heard from them. So they are probably dead. I don’t know. Everybody outside the main building was shot."
Many survivors have talked about the long wait for the police to rescue them. It’s now been confirmed that the gunman’s killing spree continued for an hour and a half.
In Oslo, where the army is patrolling the streets, flags are lowered and people have streamed to the cathedral to light candles and lay flowers. The man arrested, Anders Behring Breivik, described himself as a Christian and a conservative. In the latest international condemnation of the attacks, the UN Security Council has said terrorism in all its forms is one of the most serious threats to world peace.
The head of football in Asia, Mohamed Bin Hammam, has been banned from the sport for life by the international federation Fifa after being found guilty of bribery. Mr Bin Hammam, who’s from Qatar, had been accused of trying to buy votes in the Fifa presidential election, where he was challenging its leader Sepp Blatter. Gordon Farquhar reports from Fifa headquarters.