教程:专八翻译  浏览:512  
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      What a walk is this to me! I have no need of book or companionthe days, the hours, the thoughts of my youth are at my side, and blend with the air that fans my cheek. Here I can saunter for hours, bending my eyes forward, supposing and turning to look back, thinking to strike off into some less trodden path, yet hesitating to quit the one I am in, afraid to snap the brittle threads of memory. I remark the shining trunks and slender branches of the birch trees, waving in the idle breeze; or a pheasant springs up on whirling wing; or I recall the spot where I once found a wood-pigeon at the foot of a tree, weltering in its gore, and think how many seasons have flown since “it left its little life in the air”. Dates, names, faces come backto what purpose? Or why think of them now? or rather why not think of them oftener? We walk through life, as though a narrow path, with a thin curtain drawn around it; behind are ranged rich portraits, airy harps are strung---- yet we will not stretch forth our hand and lift aside the veil, to catch glimpses of the one, or sweep the chords of the other. As in a theater when the old-fashioned green curtain drew up, groups of figures, fantastic dresses, laughing faces, rich banquets, stately columns, gleaming vistas appeared beyond; so we have only at any time to “ peep though the blanket of the past,” to possess ourselves at once of all that has regaled our senses, that is stored up in our memory, that has struck our fancy, that has pierced our hearts: yet to all this we are indifferent, insensible, and seem intent only on the present vexation, the future disappointment.



      对我来说,这是多么惬意的散步啊!我无需书籍,也无需陪伴-----青春的时光,年轻的思绪都一一浮现眼前,消融在拂面的轻风里。我可以漫步数小时,极目远眺,不断思索,转身回望。我想步入一条鲜有人走的小道,却又迟迟不能离开所在的道路,唯恐扯断记忆的丝线。眼前的白桦树干闪闪发光,纤细的枝条在徐徐微风中轻轻摇曳;或看到一只山鸡扑闪着翅膀飞起;或突然想起曾在一棵树下,看到一只斑鸠在血泊中翻滚,便不禁想从"那小小生命随风而去"到现在已经流逝了多少个岁月?日期,名字,面容都一涌而至--但这些都有何用意? 或者为何现在想起它们?为何不更经常地记起? 人这一生,就像走在薄幕围住的狭路上;其后排列着幅幅画像,竖琴悠扬,然而我们都不愿伸出手,挑开幕帘,瞥一眼后面,抚一下琴弦。就像在剧院里,当古色古香的绿色大幕缓缓拉开,一群群的人物,光怪陆离的服饰,一张张笑脸,一场场丰盛的宴会,庄严肃穆的柱栏,闪闪发光的远景都会展现舞台上;任何时候,只要我们"透过幕帘稍稍窥视过去",一切感官上的愉悦,那些深埋在心底的记忆,激发想像的事物,还有剌痛心扉的所有,都会立刻占据我们的心房:然而我们对这些都麻木不觉,无动于衷,似乎一心只沉浸于现在的烦恼与将来的无望之中。

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