教程:托福听力  浏览:391  
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    所以本期和前两期的“要素分析”不一样,我们要来讲一些普遍的原则——即总体来说,文章的重点在哪儿。以及与之相对应的,托福听力考查的高阶段能力——概括总结力。(P.S.: 本篇文章主要针对演讲,对话后面会再提到),而本期的重点放在文章的开头上。


    要注意,开头其实不仅仅只是可以把握主旨这一点这么简单,更多的时候我们在听到主旨话题的关键词之后,还需要进一步确定的是:1. 为什么要讲这个主旨;2. 关于这个话题教授要将什么内容(提前的预测);3. 文章的结构是否已经可以确定(不见得都会很明确,但是要有这个思考的意识)



    【Last week, we covered some arguments against going back to the Moon. But there are compelling reasons in favor of another Moon landing too, um… not the least of which is trying to pinpoint the moon’s age. We could do this in theory by studying an enormous impact crater, known as the South Pole - Aitken Basin.】

    听完这段音频之后,要能够捋清的第一个问题:文章的主旨是“ Moon Landing”还是“South Pole - Aitken Basin” ?很明显,教授明确的告诉你“上周我们讲了一些反对回月球的理由,但是也有一些强有力的理由支持登月”,我们就可以判断, 教授想要讲的主旨是“reasons in favor of another Moon landing” ——支持登月的理由;

    而之后接着上一句,教授提出了登月理由之一是“pinpoint the moon’s age”——精确确定月球的年纪;至于如何去做到这件事情,就需要我们去登月来“studying an enormous impact crater, known as the South Pole - Aitken Basin.”——研究一个巨大的撞击坑——South Pole - Aitken Basin。

    总结来讲, 以本文为例,从开头的短短3句话内,我们可以获得的信息为以下3点:1. 目的主旨:文章要讲登月的理由。理由之一是“确定月球年龄”;2. 如何确定年龄呢?就是回到月球研究一个盆地 South Pole - Aitken Basin——文章的核心内容;3. 可以做出如下判断:教授之后的文章就是要讲——如何通过研究SPA 盆地来确认月球年纪,aka 我们要去研究盆地的什么。




    【OK.We have been looking at some of the smaller members of our solar system, comets.You already know about the structure of comets.Let’s continue our discussion now by talking about orbits, especially those of the so-called periodic-orbit comets.】





    【Professor :So how many of you have seen the Milky Way, the Milky Galaxy in the sky? You, you have?

    Student :Yeah, I was camping, and there was no moon that night, it was super dark.

    Professor: Anybody else? Not too many. Isn’t that strange that the Milky Way is the galaxy that the planet earth is in, and most of us have never seen it? Now, what’s the problem here?

    Student: Light pollution, right? From street lights and stuff ...

    Professor: Yes, Especially unshielded street light, you know, ones that aren’t pointed downward. Now, here’s an irony, the buiding we are in now, the astronomy building not far from our observatory, has unshielded lights.

    Student: So the problem is pretty widespread.

    Professor: It is basically beyond control, as far as expecting to view the night sky anywhere near city, I mean. I have lived around here my whole life. And I have never seen the Milky Way within city limits, and I probably never will. There is a price for progress, eh? But let’s think beyond light pullution, that’s only one kind of a technological advance that has interfered with astronomical research. Can anyone think of another?】

    此篇文章的开头相对来讲较长,教授和学生的问答开场,他们主要在研究的就是“为什么我们在城市里看不到银河系”,以这个话题切入,引导学生说了“Light Pollution——光污染”,其中的原因之一,接着描述了对这个问题的现状——“widespread”。接着教授话锋一转 “But let’s think beyond light pullution, that’s only one kind of a technological advance that has interfered with astronomical research. Can anyone think of another?” 说到,光污染只是干扰天文学研究的一种技术进步,同时询问学生能不能还想到其他的。



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