(A) be just the formality ----> (B) be not essential
(A) be on the way (B) ----> pass by (A)
(A) be worse ----> prefer (B) to (A)
(A) cast on sth. to (B) ----> (B) get sth. from (A)
(A) get sth. done ----> someone do for (A)
(A) is far more important ----> should (A) before (B)
(A) ride with (B) ----> (B) give (A) a ride
(A) send (B) to do sth. for (A) ----> (A) can use (B)'s sth. later
(A) tell (B) a day ahead of time what (A) need. ----> (A) request materials a day in advance.
(A) will miss (B) ----> (B) won't be able to go someplace
(A) wouldn't have gone to someplace ----> (B) doubt (A)'d leave for someplace
(course) be cut // double the tuition ----> have financial trouble
(every) once in a while // (every) now and then // every so often ----> sometimes // (only) occasionally
(parking) lot ----> (parking) place
... and ..., too ----> several
not ...? // Have/Will/Sure/Is ...? // What if ...? // How/What about ...? ----> suggest // recommend // should // can // may // would like // Please ...
3 quarters of a block ----> not too far
48 hours ----> two days
65 bucks ----> too expensive
a 2-ton trunk's lift off my shoulders ----> She is relieved that
a beach person ----> often to the beach
a certain thing // put up with ----> get used to
a couple of ----> a few // several
a craft person and an artist ----> art and technology
a few days late // out of question ----> must be in time
a few days to think about ----> time to decide
a good change of pace ----> as a diversion
a large size ----> not fit
a large waist ----> gain weight
a later plane ----> another flight
a little forgetful ----> not remember
a little the worse for wear ----> worn-out
a lost cause // have one's heart on sth. ----> not be able to change one's mind
a lot of courage ----> very brave
a lot of time // only every spare time ----> a large amount of time
a million things ----> too much
a million times ----> very well
A six-month membership costs as much as 5 individual months. ----> The membership fee is lower.
a small group ----> several