E.g. A: Clothes on sale are hard to pass up.
注:Pass up放弃、拒绝,也就是 turn down的意思。
227.快去快回! Hurry back!
228.你说了算。 Up to you.
You’re the Boss. Anything you say.
229.放松一下! Relax!
230.习惯就好! It’s fine once you get used to it. / You’ll be fine.
231. 自作自受! Serves you right! / You get what you deserve.
232. 我急着要。 I need it badly.
233. 说话算话! You can’t take it back!
234. 笨蛋一个! Idiot!
235. 真没礼貌! How rude!
236. 你还嘴硬! Don’t be so stubborn!
e.g. A: I can do it! Let me try again!
B: You’re injured! Don’t be so stubborn.
237. 借看一下。 Let me take a look-see. (俚语用法)
Give me a look. (比较正式一点)
238. 可想而知。 Goes without saying.
239. 气死我了! Makes me so mad!
Piss me off! (比较粗俗)
240. 说来听听。 Let’s hear it.
241. 天要亡我! I’ve got no place to go.
I’ve come to a dead end.
注:以上两句都隐含绝望的语气,其中“no place to go”还带有请求别人帮
忙的意思,而“I’ve come to a dead end.”则特别用来形容经过一番努力却仍然失
242.顺其自然。 Go with the flow.
242. 经济实惠。 Get your money’s worth.
243. 说来话长。 It’s a long story. (意味着情况过于复杂,难以细说分明)
244. 无怨无悔。 ( I have ) No regrets.
245. 买一送一。 Buy one get one free.
246. 打个折吧! Give me a discount! (Can I get a discount?)
247. 血债血还。 An eye for an eye. (语出圣经,原话是:An eye for an eye, a
tooth for a tooth.
248. 不知羞耻! Shame on you!
249. 你省省吧! Save it!
250. 看缘分吧! Leave it up to fate(destiny).