教程:托福口语  浏览:389  
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      In this section of the test, you will be able to demonstrate your ability to speak about a variety of topics. You will answer six questions by speaking into the microphone. Answer each of the questions as completely as possible.

      In questions one and two, you will speak about familiar topics. Your response will be scored on your ability to speak clearly and coherently about the topics.

      第1题和第2题为独立回答题,要求考生就某一话题阐述自己的观 点。准备时间15秒,回答问题时间45秒。问题会被朗读出来,并同时出现在屏幕上。

      In questions three and four, you will first read a short text. The text will go away and you will then listen to a talk on the same topic. You will then be asked a question about what you have read and heard. You will need to combine appropriate information from the test and the talk to provide a complete answer to the question. Your response will be scored on your ability to speak clearly and coherently and on your ability to accurately convey information about what you read and heard.

      第3题和第4题则以试题中的阅读和听力材料为基础,要求考生回 答相关冋题。具体步骤是首先让考生在45秒内阅读1篇短文,一般只含 一个自然段,随后短文隐去,播放一段与短文相关的对话或课堂演讲, 其长度大约为1分半钟。最后,要求考生根据先前阅读的短文和播放的对话或课堂演讲回答相关问题,考生有30秒钟的准备时间,然后进行60 秒钟的回答,考生可以在听录音的过程中做笔记来帮助答题。

      In questions five and six, you will listen to part of a conversation or a lecture. You will then be asked a question about what you heard. Your response will be scored on your ability to speak clearly and coherently and on your ability to accurately convey information about what you heard.

      第5、6题要求考生先听一段听力材料,然后回答相关问题。听力材 料通常是一段为情景对话,另一段是课堂演讲,其长度大约为1分半钟。 考生有20秒钟的准备时间,之后进行60秒钟的回答。

      考生可以在听录音的过程中记笔记以帮助答题。在准备和答题时,屏 幕上会显示倒计时的时钟。每个回答的得分是0-4分,分数范围是0-30 分。其评分标准以回答的质量、完整性和准确性为依据。

      上一篇:托福独立口语素材:关于职业 下一篇:托福口语备考素材大分享


