Karaoke 卡拉OK
Language of Origin: Japanese
About the Word:
It comes from the Japanese kara ("empty") + ōke, short for ōkesutora ("orchestra").Karaoke became popular in Japan among businessmen in the late 1970s, and gained widespread popularity in the U.S. in the late 1980s.
Kowtow 屈从、献媚
Language of Origin: Chinese
About the Word:
It comes from the Chinese kòutóu – kòu ("to knock") plus tóu ("head") – and originally referred to kneeling and touching one's head to the ground as a salute or act of worship to a revered authority.The noun arrived in English in the early 1800s, and within a few decades had taken on the "fawn" or "suck up" verb meaning we use today.
Ketchup 番茄酱
Language of Origin: Malay
About the Word:
This all-American condiment started out as a spicy, fermented fish sauce in Malaysia.That version, known as kěchap, made its way first to Europe and then to the New World, where tomatoes eventually became the defining ingredient.Elsewhere, ketchup retains an earlier identity. Traditional English ketchup, for example, is a pureed seasoning based on mushrooms, unripe walnuts, or oysters.
Hazard 危险
Language of Origin: Arabic
About the Word:
Hazard dates to the time of the Crusaders and involves a game of chance.
According to the most likely theory, the original hazard ("al-zahr," in Arabic) was a die. Players would roll the dice and bet on the outcome.
English got the word from French. In English, hazard eventually came to name any chance, risk, or source of danger.