教程:托福口语  浏览:710  
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      If universities are given financial support to develop researches, which of the following fields do you think the universities should pursue:

      1. To predict weather more accurately

      2. To develop an effective method to clean rivers and ocean

      3. To develop outer space researches.


      Task1是一道欢乐三选一:学校拿钱研究啥?天气预测,清洁河水,太空研究。这道题三个方向都专业性比较强,不是很好说。相比之下,环境保护是比较好说的。所以推荐选第二个,理由一:Water pollution are harmful to people`s health and

      fresh water are limited resource on earth.理由二:Method to clean water in the past are very costly and quite ineffective。


      本题是一道新题,属于“三选一 object”类别


      I think the money should go to the research for an effective way to clean the rivers and the ocean because water pollution is one of the most pressing problems of our time. People rely on the rivers for drink water and they get sick and sometimes develop cancer when the water is not clean or is polluted by harmful chemicals from factories. We also dump a lot of garbage into the ocean and sometimes oil spills cause big disasters to marine life. If we could have a way to clean up water pollution, both human life and animal life would benefit a lot.


      If the university is serious about the money, I think they’d better spend the money on researching the effective methods to clean the water resources, because people’s lives depend on it. Right now, the water pollution is a serious problem facing the globe. The drinkable water is polluted by factory wastes and the ocean is polluted by the oil rigs. This is an emergency needs to be dealt with immediately, so the university should make full use of the money and educate the students the importance of protecting the water resources and those sea animals. If we still sit there and doing nothing, I think the last drop of water we can see will be human’s tear.


      Your degree requires you to take one course, which one would you choose: energy and environment, health and nutrition, or solar system? ( 17年6月10日考题)



      题干关键词“university research”, 论证的逻辑思路应当是“哪项研究对社会最有益”。建议同学们挑选一项最熟悉的领域展开讨论,参考论点如下:

      To predict weather more accurately

      1) practical 与日常生活息息相关,如航班起飞

      2) benefits in agriculture 影响农作物生长

      3) protect human life from severe weather events 避免极端天气带来的灾难性后果

      To develop an effective method to clean rivers and ocean

      1) improve public health 确保居民用水安全

      2) sustainable development 改善生态环境

      To develop outer space researches

      1) technological advancement 科技进步,如GPS定位系统

      2) natural resources 开发能源

      3) potential habitat for the future generation 造福下一代


      pollute/contamination 污染

      sanitation / hygiene 卫生

      meteorologist 气象学家

      Investment in weather and climate forecasting provides important socio-economic returns 天气预报领域的投资将带来巨大社会经济收益

      Research conducted by NASA to develop the space program has benefited society in a number of ways. NASA的各项太空研究项目给社会各方面都带来益处。

      上一篇:有效提升托福口语需要解决3个问题 下一篇:新托福口语Task2题目:学校对垃圾食品涨价


