Describe your favorite song/music. Explain why you like it. Include reasons and examples to support your response. (出现“不可不看的托福口语独立部分书籍、电影和音乐语料库”一文中)
Choose one of the following work of art and explain why you like it most: song, poem, and painting. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? High schools should teach music and art as other basic science. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Some people think that the government should invest money on art & culture like museums and theatres. Others don’t think so. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Dancing plays an important role in a culture. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Describe a painting you have seen before. Explain why you like it or dislike it. Include reasons and details to support your response.
Art shapes our life, it also helps to preserve history, it serves as a reminder of yesterday, and a maker of tomorrow and it also conveys idea.
短语:stir up emotion
Art's ability to stir up imaginations and emotions about a subject that science might not be able to, and I am not saying that science is not important, I just think art is a necessary complement to science.
短语:bring comfort and hope, expressing their happiness,
Music can also bring comfort and hope to people, and it is important to people expressing their happiness, sorrow and even anger.
单词、短语:facilitate change, bind society, the most prestigious musician, defend against ;
XXX is a helpful tool to facilitate change, and even a device for comfort and security that helps to bind society, like the most prestigious musician Chopin created great music so his fellow countrymen could unite and defend their country against Russian invasion.
短语:a great part of our lives, xxx helps xxx to prosper, a good case in point
A society without art is not much of a society at all, for art is essential and a great part of our lives. Art is really about invention and expression, it helps a country prosper culturally. The Culture Revolution happened a few decades ago in China is a good case in point, music and art were stifled, and the country basically stopped functioning.