Delivery(表达),Language Use(语言使用),Topic Development(话题拓展)。
Language Use指的是你对于用词和语法的掌控能力。和Delivery类似,关于Language Use真正的评判标准是考官能否很容易地理解你的句子意思。目前市面上到处流传着各种所谓的“范例回答”,它们中大多数都包含着非常复杂的词汇与表达。但其实这些复杂的表达不光是没有必要的,它们有些时候甚至会因为被使用得不精准,没有表达出应该表达的意思而让你扣分。同学们只需要记住用合适的词去精准地表达意思即可,没有必要处处炫词技。至于语法方面,只要你没有出现缺胳膊少腿的“结构性”错误,例如无主语,无谓语,介词短语后面没有名词,等等,那么偶尔犯一个小的语法错误也是没有问题的。
Topic Development指的是你的内容的切题程度、丰富程度、和逻辑性。绝大多数托福的考生本身具备的基础英语能力不可能太差,但在口语部分始终无法获得很高的分数。其原因主要是因为考生
我们来看下面这个例子:(TPO 30, Task 2)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Parents should be involved in the process of helping their children to choose a career. Use specific examples and details to support your opinion.
“I don't agree with the statement for two reasons. First, kids need to do what they like. Kids will be successful doing what they feel is right for them. And if parents force them into a career they do not like, they will not live a happy life. Life is short, we all need to live a life doing what we like. Second, kids should learn to make decisions by themselves. Take myself as an example, I once made a decision to go to university abroad, even though my parents initially disagreed with me, at the end they finally supported me, and I think that benefited me a lot.”
首先,这位学生的在审题上因为忽略了一些词而出现了较大的偏差。根据学生的答案,这道题看起来问的更像是 ”Parents should help their children to choose a career.” 即家长应该直接帮助孩子选职业。而这道题实际上多了几个词:be involved in the process of.
Parents can provide a lot of useful information to their children and help them make a wiser decision.
Parents can help their children better analyze a certain career to help determine whether such a career is truly suitable for their children.
Without the help of their parents, children can better develop their independent thinking ability by making this decision themselves.
The involvement of parents can sometimes cause arguments due to the conflicting opinions of parents and their children.