Describe a behavior that many people may do in public that you find inconsiderate.
1. 看电影时需要保持安静,反感在电影院大声喧哗的不礼貌行为
2. 以糟糕的观影体验为例进行说明
沉浸在:be involved in
最新上映的大片:the newly released blockbuster
大为反感:be extremely offended
宝贵的观影经历:precious movie-watching experience
In my opinion, chatting or discussing during the movie is really annoying and impolite. The cinema is a public space and people need a quiet environment to get totally involved in the plots, so any chatting or discussing will be extremely unwelcome and disturbing. For instance, last week, I went to a theater to watch the newly released 3D blockbuster, Warcraft. It was a great movie, but two girls sitting besides me were constantly making noises by chatting, eating loudly and even giggling from time to time. Viewers including me were extremely offended, and we tried to stop them but failed. Eventually, they were forced to leave, and precious movie-watching experience was totally ruined.