说到口语,人们的第一反应多半是语音语调,其实对于托福考试来说,口语部分考察的并不只有语音语调,还有相当大的比重是考察学生的逻辑思维能力,这就要求考生的答案内容充实,逻辑清晰,特别是口语的 3-6 题涉及对题干的整合,所以对考生逻辑能力的要求也就更高。如果对材料的整合不过关,即使语音语调炸翻天,也会显得内容过 low,从而很难获得高分。
Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing. Then state which solution you would recommend. Explain the reasons for your recommendation.
Problems: bus leaves earlier V.S. can’t catch it because of chemistry class
Solution 1: work at night
detail 1: boss agree & won’t miss the bus
Detail 2: tired, have class next morning
Solution 2: ride a bike
Detail 3: work on time, not far, do some exercise
Detail 4: bad weather
借助笔记,整个材料的内容尽收眼底,我们可以清楚的看出两个方案的利弊,所以在回答的时候就能明确该如何取舍。需要注意的是,答案没有对错之分,不论选择哪个方案,只要理由充分即可。如果你更倾向于 solution 1,那么你的理由就应该是 detail 1 和detail 4;同样的,如果觉得 solution 2 更好,那对应的理由就是 detail 2 和 detail 3。在此基础上,如果时间允许,最好将自己所选解决方案的弊端也阐述一下,例如如果选择为 solution 2,针对其弊端,也就是 detail 4,可以弱化其影响,从而显得 solution 2 更有说服力。以本题为例,就可以说 bad weather 属于个别现象,所以对骑行的影响很小,即使发生,可以临时想办法调整。
在时间安排上,60s 的作答时间,一般描述困境和两个解决方案在 15s 左右,给出自己的建议需要 5s,最后 40s 用来解释建议的理由。当然考试安排不一定非得严格按照这个时间来规划,反而会限制自己的发挥,不过可以以此为参考, 以求让自己的条理更清晰,内容更完整。
最后,给出一个sample answer供各位考生参考:
The man’s problem is that the bus schedule has changed and therefore, he can’t catch the bus for his chemistry class. He can either change his work time or ride a bike to his workplace.
For me, riding a bike is a more preferable choice. You see, if the man works at night, he must be tired and in a bad state for the morning class next day. If he rides a bike, however, he can not only be there on time but also do some exercise. Actually it’s not far, for just about 15 minutes.
Of course riding a bike is uncomfortable when the weather is bad, but this may not happen often. And though it happens, the man can then choose to work at night or come up with some other solutions.