Describe a class you have taken in school and explain why the class was important to you. Include details and examples to support your explanation.
Preparation time: 15 seconds
Response time: 45 seconds
在开始答题的时候,应首先说出一句Topic Sentence,点出这门课的名称。如果准备不是很充分,为了避免出现答题空白,可以附带交代这门课的背景信息,如何时选修的、哪位教授任课,但一定要控制在10秒以内。这种技能叫Skill of Buying Time。随后,三条理由依次列出,切不可忘记Important才是论述的核心,千万不能无意中转而强调这门课Difficult或Interesting。
In my previous studies at college, there are quite a few importance courses and one of the most important one of them, if I had to choose one, would be Calculus. Well, as I am an engineering major, in my curriculum there are many courses requiring complicated calculation, equation deduction and math model building. All these need knowledge in calculus as a foundation. Besides, mastery of some quantitative analysis methods will greatly benefit my ability to make a sensible judgment in a complex situation in workplace, no matter what job I"ll take up in the future. Finally, without a good sense of advanced mathematics, I will not be able to appreciate the beauty of symmetry in many artistic forms.