This incredible iPhone 4 was yesterday unveiled as the world's most expensive mobile - worth a jaw-dropping ?5 MILLION. The handset is wrapped in more than 500 individual flawless cut diamonds totalling 100 carats.
It features two interchangeable diamonds which fit over the 'home' button - a single cut 7.4 carat pink diamond and a rare 8 carat single cut flawless diamond which are together worth more than ?4 million.
The back of the phone is plated in rose gold and the Apple logo glitters with 53 diamonds.
British designer Stuart Hughes, 38, of Liverpool, was commissioned to make two of the bespoke handset by a mega-rich Australian businessman. He said: 'It was a fantastic challenge and I am really pleased with the end result - the phones look superb. 'Phones are so popular at the moment and this is the ultimate design for one. It was a very exciting project. 'It is amazing that someone is prepared to spend ?5 million on a phone, I doubt it will get used because it is worth so much money. 'It would be a disaster if it was ever lost.'
38岁的英国设计师Stuart Hughes说,这个手机是独一无二的,完全是为个别人定制的特别款。也许,花费500万买一台手机那简直就是疯了。我怀疑,这个手机并不实用,因为手机实在太贵了,要是一不小心弄丢,那可就真惨了。