以TPO (托福在线考试练习)的一道例题为例。
The question of ecosystem stability is complicated, however. The first problem is that ecologists do not all agree what “stability” means. Stability can be defined as simply lack of change. In that case, the climax community would be considered the most stable, since, by definition, it changes the least over time. Alternatively, stability can be defined as the speed with which an ecosystem returns to a particular form following a major disturbance, such as a fire. This kind of stability is also called resilience. In that case, climax communities would be the most fragile and the least stable, since they can require hundreds of years to return to the climax state. (TPO3“The Long-Term Stability of Ecosystems”的第四段)
6. According to paragraph 4, which of the following is true of climax communities?
A. They are more resilient than pioneer communities.
B. They can be considered both the most and the least stable communities.
C. They are stable because they recover quickly after major disturbances.
D. They are the most resilient communities because they change the least over time.
解析:这道题是一道细节题,考生可利用题干中的关键词climax communities将答案范围定位到原文第四段。定位时,考生可能会根据该段第四句话“In that case, the climax community would be considered the most stable, since, by definition, it changes the least over time”而认为选项C是正确答案。事实上,考生如果细心的话,会发现climax community在该段共出现了不止一次,第二次出现在该段最后一句话中,且形式也是复数,与题干表述一致,而最后一句话的意思恰恰与第四句话的意思相反。所以,根据精确定位的原则,考生应该依据该段的最后一句话选出本题的答案,即选项B。
考生在解答托福阅读题目时,应将上文所述三字箴言结合起来使用,做到“直”来“直”去、“细”中有“巧”、“巧”中有“细”。下面就以《新托福考试官方指南》阅读部分Practice Set 5 里面的第8题为例,来讲解如何使用这三字箴言来解题。
Paragraph 5: In this newly emerging economic order, workers sometimes organized to protect their rights and traditional ways of life. Craft workers such as carpenters, printers, and tailors formed unions, and in 1834 individual unions came together in the National Trades’ Union. The labor movement gathered some momentum in the decade before the Panic of 1837, but in the depression that followed, labor’s strength collapsed. During hard times, few workers were willing to strike* or engage in collective action. And skilled craft workers, who spearheaded the union movement, did not feel a particularly strong bond with semiskilled factory workers and unskilled laborers. More than a decade of agitation did finally bring a workday shortened to 10 hours to most industries by the 1850’s, and the courts also recognized workers’ right to strike, but these gains had little immediate impact.
8. Which of the following statements about the labor movement of the 1800’s is supported by paragraph 5?
A. It was most successful during times of economic crisis.
B. Its primary purpose was to benefit unskilled laborers.
C. It was slow to improve conditions for workers.
D. It helped workers of all skill levels form a strong bond with each other.
因此,题目的答案范围就包含在含有这些词的句子中。到此,考生可以开始第二步了,即研究答案范围中的句子和题目选项,选出正确答案。通读含有上述三个时间词的三个句子,考生可以发现,后面两个句子都包含转折关系词but。根据上面讲述的“巧”的原则,考生要特别关注这两个含有转折词的句子,答案往往就是对最后出现的这个转折词后面内容的同义替换。考生会注意到,最后一个but后面的句子是“these gains had little immediate impact”,表明“工人运动所取得的成果十分有限”。然后根据“直”的原则,考生会发现,选项C中的句子正是对这一句话的同义替换,因而此题的正确答案是选项C。