教程:托福阅读  浏览:486  
  • 提示:点击文章中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
      prohibit 是备考托福的童鞋都认识的动词,含义禁止/阻止,近义词prevent, inhibit. 但可是,prohibitive大家是否也熟知它的含义呢?禁止的?行不通的?看例题——

      阅读真题:Under these circumstances, frequent moves by the court or replacement of buildings became prohibitive.

      正确选项:It was very expensive to move and house the large number of people that were now associated with the government.

      显然move对应正确选项中的replacement, 而court对应原文中的people that associated with the government, 原文中的buildings对应正确选项中的house。重点是prohibitive对应了神马,难道是expensive?


      —— prohibitive = expensive !

      —— prohibitive = expensive !!

      —— prohibitive = expensive !!!

      所以在考试中,如果对考点近义词群足够敏感的话,正确答案是握在手心儿里的哟! 本周为大家准备了形容词的考点近义词群,帮大家事半功倍地备考~

      缺乏的 absent shortage deficient

      丰富的,大量的 abundant ample plentiful multiple enormous vast huge giant immense massive tremendous grandiose

      精准的 accurate precise refined correct perfect pinpoint exact

      明显的,明确的 apparent evident obvious striking visible obvious distinct definite explicit

      肯定的 positive absolute assured certain convinced definite sure

      合适的,合理的 appropriate proper suitable feasible adaptable applicable reasonable rational sensible plausible sound justify logical possible legitimate just

      有益的 benefit conducive

      有能力的 capable able competent competitive

      复杂的 complex complicated confused mixed elaborate

      重要的,主要的,优先的 considerable major important crucial determinant dominant prevailing primary dominant principal preeminent prior previous

      普通的 normal regular standard typical ordinary

      必然的 inevitable unavoidable

      基本的,基础的 basic fundamental elementary essential ingredient preliminary

      当前的 contemporary current present modern

      不变的 constant permanent steady stable static consistent durable

      多变的,多样的 diverse various

      任意的 random arbitrary aimless irregular haphazard unorganized

      外部的,外来的 external exotic exterior alien imported input

      内部的,本地的,驯化的 intrinsic internal inner interior interval inherent native innate domesticate tame introduce internal immigrate essential mutual reciprocal

      极其地,剧烈地 extremely extraordinarily exceedingly intensely drastically dramatically

      大约大概 approximately close similarity

      上一篇:托福阅读题型趋势及提升方法 下一篇:托福阅读利用文章类型来备考


