如果该词前或后出现的内容提示它们是反义关系。(表示相反概念的词语如下rather than,instead,unlike,contrast,on the contrary.)
the main conflict in the novel is between a mother who places a highvalue on hard work and honor and a son who repudiates his mother's valuesinstead preferring the easier path to fortune and celebrity
the word repudiates in the passage in closest in meaning to __
A、refuses to accept B、lives up to C、tries to understand D、makes the best of
假如repudiates我们不认识,从后面的小词 instead 这个词判定儿子和妈妈价值观念是相反的,由此信息看四个选项,你会发现只有A选项带有否定的意味
(1)、后面的句子或短词单词在解释前面的词。(常见的标志词:contribute to,be responsible for,account for,since ,therefore ,for,because,in which等)
his big break came with the novel so big(1924) ,which wasawarded the pulitzer in literature.
the word break in this sentence could best be replaced by ___
A、rupture B、revelation C、opportunity D、rest
which was awarded the pulitzer in literature告诉我们一定考查的是正态度,所以答案不可能是AD,所以应该选C、opportunity 是一种有利的状态或合适的时机。
(2)后面的和此词为并列关系。(并列关系词如下:and not only ..but also as…as and both … andeither… or neither… nor.)