举个例子,比如TPO34中Passage 3 Protection of Plants by Insects里的第13题:
Look at the four squares [] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.
Sometimes they capture the insects to feed their protein-hungry larvae.
Where does the sentence best fit?
Ants are probably the most frequent and certainly the most persistent defenders of plants.[A] Since the highly active worker ants require a great deal of energy, plants exploit this need by providing extrafloral nectar that supplies ants with abundant energy.[B]To return this favor, ants guard the nectaries, driving away or killing intruding insects that might compete with ants for nectar.[C]Many of these intruders are herbivorous and would eat the leaves of the plants.[D]
如果我们放在A处,那么插入后的文章给人的感觉就比较突兀,因为第一句话与第二句话没有铺垫,联系不够紧密。而如果放在B处的话,前边的plants supply ants with abundant energy和后边的to return this favor的内在联系就被打破了,同样也是不可取的。那么如果放在C处,句子的主语并没有改变,而且driving away or killing intruding insects和capture the insects也是有关联的。因此C处是合适的。而如果放在D处,那么intruders和插入句中的insects是同一回事,可是句子的主语却是they。因此句子的逻辑就不对了,所以不能插入在D处。
在做题过程中,我们还发现,衔接词和指代词也是需要我们仔细斟酌的。因为这些标志性的信号词,直接决定我们做题的正确与否。衔接词,比如表示并列、转折、因果等关系的词汇,例如and, but, so, therefore等等。指代词,常见的有it, they, this, that等词汇。在阅读原文的过程中,我们只要牢牢地盯紧这些词汇,就能确保对文章内在逻辑的把握,就能减少判断错误的可能性。