例1:Archaeology is partly the discovery of the treasures of the past, partly the careful work of the scientific analyst, partly the exercise of the creative imagination.
例2:The seasonal impact of day length on physiological responses is called photoperiodism.
“is called”的前半句也起了解释说明的作用:日长的生理反应称为光周期的季节性影响。
2. 找符号法
无论是考试中还是做题时,我们常发现某个单词或词组,乃至句子的前后常会出现一些特殊符号,比如:破折号(—),冒号(:),小括号(),引号(“ ”)。这些符号都是帮助大家猜测生词的clue, 它们的前后通常都是对托福阅读词汇的解释和说明。
例:Inall cases, someone has to act as a source of language data— informant.
Informant指的是充当语言资料来源的人。需要提示的是,经常会在小括号里出现i.e, 意思是that is to say.
3. 结合例子总结法
托福阅读试题经常会在某个潜在生词的后面,举出一系列的例子。此时,大家可以根据例子总结它们的共性。举例子的一些标志词:for example, for instance, such as, just like, e.g.
例:The market for tourism in remote areas is booming as never before. Countries all across… such as mountains, Arctic lands, deserts, small islands and wetlands…
4. 关联词推测法
并列关系:and, similarly,equally, also, both … and…
转折关系:but, however,yet, instead, nevertheless, by contrast, on the other hand
例:International commerce was therefore dominated by raw materials, such as wheat, wood and ironore, or processed commodities, such as meat and steel.
“or”表示或者,虽然是并列关系,但在意思上是相反的。Processed commodities不难理解是加工过的产品,那“or”前面的句子指的就该是没有加工过的产品,即raw materials, 原材料。
5. 结合常识上下文猜测法
例:The earliest method of making fire was through friction. European peasants would insert a wooden drill in a round hole and rotate it briskly between their palms.