关于whether R. robustus is active hunter of dinasaurs. 一个叫R.的生物胃里面发现了恐龙的残骸,于是科学家们争论它是不是恐龙Hunter或者只是食腐动物。
Reading passage 认为不是,listening反对。给出三点supporting ideas:
1. reading说它的size is small, as big as domestic cat.但listening 说它的size是big enough to eat baby dinasaurs, 它的size even 比baby dinasaur 的两倍还大。
2. reading说它的legs short, 不可能跑很快,追不上恐龙, position也不适于hunting,但listening 说可以,举例论证:Tasmanian Devil,它的腿也很短,就是R. robustus的情况,但是它就是active Predator.所以(ancient) R.robustus could also do that.
3.reading说在R. robustus stomach里的dinasaur bones provide no evidence, 因为没teeth mark。但listening说R. robustus的jaws 很强壮发育的很好,可以swallow in whole or in large pieces,表示R. robustus不用back teeth.
The personal and work-related challenges that young people face today are not very different from the challenges their parents and grandparents faced in the past.