教程:托福真题  浏览:428  
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      2017 年02 月25 日


      阅读: palm oil 的生产有积极的影响,应该要扩大生产。

      1. 可以帮助保护森林,需要的土地少。

      2. 可以用于生产环境友好的biodiesel 。

      3. 可以减少小规模生产的农民们的贫困。

      听力: palm oil 生产同时也会有消极的影响,不应该扩大生产。

      1. 种植虽然可以成为森林且需要的土地少,但是在以砍伐其他森林为目的的,也是破坏了森林。

      2. 可以用于生产 biodiesel ,但是在砍伐完其他森林以后,需要焚烧peat ,这个东西的燃烧会产生更多的二氧化碳,对环境不利

      3. 是可以减少小规模生产的农民们的贫困,但是小规模生产的农民们对于palm oil 生产的控制时间并不长,随后大的规模的生产机构也对palm oil 感兴趣,这样小规模生产的农民们将失去对palm oil 生产的控制,增收很少。


      Do you agree or disagree: The way people dresses is a good indication of his or her personality or character.


      阅读: New Guinean Flatworms 这种虫子在欧洲不断扩散。需要寻找方法控制它蔓延的趋势。提到如下三种方式:

      1. Biological control :引入predator ,或者依赖当地的鸟类

      2. Chemical control :使用pesticide 。

      3. Soil fertilization :翻耕土壤,提升肥力,使用肥料,提升土壤温度,杀死虫卵。


      1. 引入predator 会导致被引入的种群无法控制。当地鸟类都不吃这种虫子,味道酸难吃。

      2. 使用pesticide 杀死该虫子,目前没有十分有效的针对该虫子的杀虫剂。唯一的一种

      Lindane 稍微有效果,但不明显。

      3. 翻耕土壤的方法不容易达到杀死虫卵所需温度,效果不好。

      Sample Answer:

      The reading lists three way to prevent the spread of New Guinean Flatworms and thelecturer gives his prospective to prove that all those methods don?t work.

      The first methods is to introduce the predator or other local birds to kill them. However,the lecturer points out that the imported species will eventually become another kind ofbiological invasion and the local birds act ually don?t like to eat them due to the bad taste.Thus, the biological control seems unlikely to be effective.

      Another way is to use pesticide to control the population of flatworms. As to this way,the professor regards that we don?t have the certain a nd effective pesticide to kill theNew Guinean Flatworms. The only one we can use is Lindane, but actually it is notsufficient. In other words, chemical control is not suitable.

      The third method is to add some powerful fertilization so that the heat will kill the eggs.The professor claims that the temperature are not high enough to kill the small pests andpest eggs. Rather, they may be the great threat of the local crops, which means that wecannot use this way to stop the spread.

      (197 words)


      Rather than help children with their schoolwork, parents should encourage their children do their work independently.

      Sample Answer:

      Completing schoolwork on time is actually not easy tasks for most students, especiallyfor those underachievers. In this situa tion, some parents can?t bear to see their kids worklate till midnight but with little progress, so they help their children to do the homework.Nevertheless, the parents should realize the importance and meaning of assignmentsand children will be the great beneficiaries if they do the work by themselves.

      The first benefit is to cultivate their learning ability. With the help of parents or teachers,students hardly develop their own way to think, to analysis and even to explore theunknown world. Most of them will be frustrated when they find that they cannot be wellinformedand learn something new at work. On the contrary, students who are asked todo homework alone have already been equipped with certain ability about how to dealwith the difficulties in school time, and because of this, they prepare well for the futurechallenge, regardless of the unknown and the unexpected. Compared with the futurebenefit, the current difficulties in learning alone, clearly, doesn?t matter.

      Aside from necessary capabilities, mental independence is another factor to ensure theirbright future. The kids who get used to working alone surely rely more on themselves inthe future. My cousin Lily is such a girl whose father always ask her to solve the schoolwork by herself. She are never afraid of the unknown challenges and always strongenough to be the pillar of her friends when they study abroad and live in a foreign city. Idon?t think there is anything wrong with an individual act weakly among his or her closefriends and lover, but when they truly need to rely on themselves, they are supposed tobe stronger.

      When I talk with some parents about this issue, they think that their children are tooyoung to avoid many mistakes in their schoolwork, which may finally destroy their selfconfidence.How much do they know about their “ baby ” ? They just look down uponthem and seldom trust that the children can make up their mistakes and moreimportantly, learn how to be responsible for their schoolwork. If they have never mademistake and experienced the process of solving problem, that will surely lead to theconsequence of “ no confidence ”.

      In conclusion, in the way of educating students, it is significant to encourage them tocomplete task and learn by themselves. Only through that way can students be reallyaware of the knowledge and methodology learned in school and can they be welldevelopedinto individuals.

      (429 words)

      上一篇:2017年2月托福写作真题回忆及范文赏析(一) 下一篇:2017年3月托福写作真题回忆及范文赏析(一)


