Unit 45
Life is looking up for managers at the 4,300 stores of Tesco,one of the world's biggest supermarket chains.A program from CA,a big software firm,will make a tedious job much easier: gathering data about each store's energy consumption,be it from lights,air conditioning or refrigeration.The streamlined data collection is part of Tesco's ambitious plan to halve emissions of greenhouse gases from existing stores and distribution centres by 2020.
Tesco and CA may be pioneers,but they are not alone.While governments argue over emissions cuts,many firms have already started cleaning up their act,or at least preparing to do so—prompting more and more software firms to offer tools to help. If optimists are right,the market for“carbon-management software” could one day become at least as big as those for other important business applications such as customer-relationship-management(CRM)programs,which brought in revenues of more than $9 billion last year.
Many firms have tracked energy consumption for some time in an effort to save money.Others have monitored emissions of different kinds in order to comply with regulations on pollution.More recently,public pressure has prompted more companies to tally emissions and disclose the results in their annual reports or to outfits like the Carbon Disclosure Project.But most have used simple tools such as spreadsheets and databases.
This is changing,despite the recession,says David Metcalfe,boss of Verdantix,a consultancy.Higher energy costs,green branding and new regulation are all pushing more firms to keep track of their emissions and do so with specialised software,he argues.In Britain,for example,the Carbon Reduction Commitment will come into effect next year.Among other things,it requires firms that use more than 6,000 megawatt-hours of electricity a year to measure and report the energy they use.
Anticipating a surge in demand,software-makers have rushed into the market,mostly with web-based services.In a recent survey AMR Research,another consultancy,identified no fewer than 157 providers.Some focus on reporting,others on compliance and yet others on optimising business processes.There are firms that have been around for years,such as Enviance and IHS.Many start-ups,notably Carbonetworks and Hara,have appeared.Even big software firms have moved into the market: CA,IBM,Oracle,SAP and SAS.
At least for now,the needs of most firms are simple: making sure that data are collected regularly and can be audited.But in the years to come,this too will change,predicts Stephen Stokes of AMR.Firms will need software that collects data automatically,helps them find the best ways to cut emissions and also lets them manage other resources,such as water and waste.Messrs Metcalfe and Stokes both expect that Oracle and SAP,which already dominate most forms of business software,will become pre-eminent in this area,too,because it fits so naturally with their other offerings.These titans also have the cash to buy the best technology.In May SAP bought Clear Standards,a start-up.Oracle is expected to make a similar acquisition soon.But they face determined rivals.IHS has been quietly buying firms selling environmental software.Some expect great things from C3,a start-up founded by Tom Siebel,who pioneered CRM software.
注(2):本文习题命题模仿对象:2004年真题Text 1。(其中个别题目顺序做了部分调整。)
1.How does the author introduce the topic?
A) By posing a contrast.
B) By justifying an assumption.
C) By illustrating an example.
D) By explaining a phenomenon.
2.Why do more and more software firms develop carbon-management software?
A) Because enterprises are increasingly aware of the importance of environmental protection.
B) Because the global environment is deteriorating.
C) Because the government is paying more attention to environmental protection.
D) Because it would generate considerable revenue.
3.Which of the following is NOT an objective in adopting environmental software?
A) To save money from energy consumption.
B) To cater to public demand.
C) To fulfill legal obligations.
D) To follow the government.
4.The word“offerings”(Line 6,Paragraph 6)most probably means ______.
A) branch companies
B) products
C) specialized software for environment
D) CRM software
5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?
A) The current carbon-management software market is dominated by a few big companies.
B) Companies are now demanding sophisticated software for the tracking of energy consumption and emission.
C) An intense competition in environmental software market is approaching.
D) The software for environmental protection will become as important as that of financial accounting.
由于预计需求将猛增,软件制造商纷纷涌入市场,其中大部分提供基于网络的服务。据另一家咨询公司AMR Research近期的一项调查,这类软件供应商不少于157家。一些软件关注统计结果报告,另一些重在遵循相应法规,还有一些致力于优化商业流程。有的软件公司已涉足环保领域多年,例如Enviance 和IHS公司。还出现了一些新的创业公司,如Carbonetworks和Hara。甚至一些大型软件公司也进驻环保软件市场,如CA、IBM、Oracle、SAP和SAS等。
至少在目前,大部分公司的需求都很简单:确保数据收集的规律性和可审计性。但AMR公司的斯蒂芬·斯托克斯预计,几年后这种情况也会改变。届时公司将需要软件具有更多功能:自动收集数据、帮助找到最好的减排方法、管理其他资源如水资源和废弃物。梅特卡夫和斯托克斯先生都预计,Oracle和SAP这两家已经主导多种商业软件的公司在这个领域也将会是佼佼者,因为这与他们的其他软件产品非常契合。这些巨头也有财力购买最好的技术。五月份,SAP收购了一家新成立的公司Clear Standards。预计Oracle公司很快也会进行类似的收购。但他们也面对着坚定的对手。IHS公司已经在不声不响地收购一些销售环保软件的企业。一些人期待C3公司会有大动作,这家公司刚成立不久,创始人是客户关系管理软件的先行者汤姆·西贝尔。